Tag Archives: bad habits

Dear Freelancer: It’s Not All About You

Dear Freelancer, You may not know me, but I know you. You were the one who showed up on social media with one goal in mind: to get some clients. It’s a good goal. It’s why most of us head to social media. But what happened next, well, that wasn’t so good. I saw you […]

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How to Be a Freelance Writing Failure (and how to change)

Typically, I don’t get frustrated when another writer asks for help. But sometimes, the situation is far from typical. In a recent exchange, the writer expressed a level of angst that was troubling. Nothing in this writer’s marketing was working. Things weren’t coming easy anymore. The work wasn’t paying off. Been there. Haven’t you? I […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Client issues, Freelance writing advice | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> , , | 6 Comments

6 Ways You Might Be Sabotaging Your Freelance Writing Career

What I’m listening to: Fast As You by Dwight Yoakam What a gorgeous couple of days! Yesterday was near 80 degrees, so all the windows were open. It’s tough to work under those conditions, so I took full advantage of my freelance writing status — I played hooky. Okay, not entirely. I had a great […]

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Six Habits You Should Banish from Your Writing Life

What’s on the iPod: Just as Well by Jackie Greene It’s been a great start to the new year — a favorite client contacted me with three projects. I started one, intend to finish another next week, and should have a strong start to a third next week, as well. As I was writing out […]

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Losing Bad Writing Habits

What’s on the iPod: Twenty-One by Corey Smith What a great weekend! Friends of ours were married in a meditation ceremony, and it couldn’t have been nicer. Here were two people who had been through some rough situations separately, but who’d finally found each other (right under their noses, too), and had found a beautiful […]

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4 Ways to Kill Your Writing Business

What’s on the iPod: Don’t Swallow the Cap by The National I love pay days. Since those days are unpredictable for us writers, it’s always like getting a much-needed gift. Yesterday, I received the third such “gift” and am now set pretty well for the holidays. That doesn’t mean marketing stops; on the contrary, it […]

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Kicking Bad Habits

If I had back all the time I spent on Facebook, I’d probably get an extra week or two of my life back. It’s my diversion. It’s also my time sink. When I’m on deadline, it’s my nemesis. And curses to the person who decided to tie Bejeweled Blitz to Facebook! There goes another good […]

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