Month: June 2020

Writers Worth: This Job, Not That Job

One can always tell when there’s an economic meltdown occurring. Besides my own McDonald’s Economics theory, there are the obvious signs that the economy is in the gutter. I’m talking about the job postings. Anyone who knows me at all knows I loathe job postings as a means of building a freelance writing business. It’s […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> This Job Not That Job | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> | 6 Comments

33 More Rocking Freelance Resources

Seems like everyone is working from home right now. Even as people start venturing back into offices, there are plenty of people still trying to get it all done, but with the distractions of home life interfering. We need things to make life and work a little easier to integrate. It’s been about a year […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Resources | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> | 20 Comments

Writers Worth: This Job, Not That Job

There’s something about a pandemic that brings out the best in most people. However, it brings out the worst in some people, too. Just take a look at any job board right now and you’ll see some of the most demeaning, insulting “employment offers” there have ever been. Thanks to Devon Ellington for sending this […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> This Job Not That Job | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> | 6 Comments

3 Lies Inside the Six-Figure Freelance Writing Claims

It was a retweeted article — “Wow, this writer really knows how to be that six-figure writer!” Of course, I clicked. And of course, I read. And of course, I doubted. Why? Because it was once again touting how someone is making six figures through content-mill work. And when I saw what the writer was […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Finding freelance work | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> | 6 Comments

Turning Bread-and-butter Freelance Gigs into Caviar Clients

I was hungry when I wrote this post. And I was thinking about how I was going to approach today’s marketing. The plan is to reach out to existing clients and do a little upselling. Because nothing is more important than keeping current clients in front of you, buying. And if they’re buying those services […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Marketing | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> , | 2 Comments