Month: April 2007

How to Ask Last night, I had the pleasure of hearing a lecture delivered by Terry Gross, host of NPR radio’s Fresh Air. Terry is the consummate interviewer – she has spent the last 32 years talking with everyone from politicians and dignitaries to authors and entertainers. She’s also a wonderful lecturer – she entertained […]

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Turning Down WorkWe all know to trust our guts, right? We understand that if the client’s needs and our abilities/focuses are not meshing, it’s okay to turn down the work. But where do you draw that line? Here are just a few examples of the times I’ve turned down work and why. It may help […]

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Freelance Jobs – April 24, 2007 I have a multitude of deadlines this week, so this will have to be a shorter list. My apologies. Freelance WritersMore Freelance WritersWebsite WritingJournalistFreelance Multimedia PlannerFreelance Copywriter

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Freelance Jobs – Tuesday, April 17, 2007Scams Getting TrickierI received an email yesterday that admittedly had me wondering if it was legitimate. By all accounts, it wasn’t. The “how long have you been a member of our credit union?” questions from people I’ve never heard of, promises of twenty bucks if you complete the survey, […]

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The Deafening Silence There’s a disturbing trend in magazine writing these days – silence. There are rumblings from writers about the lack of communication of any form from our editorial counterparts. From ignored queries to equally ignored invoices, editors seem to have adopted this code of silence that has many a writer scratching his or […]

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The Tax Man Cometh I cannot tell you how much I dread tax season. No, dread is not strong enough a word. It’s the only time of year I feel inadequate, underemployed, broke, broken, terrorized, claustrophobic and under a huge microscope. I’m nowhere near a math person (hence the writing career – it’s more of […]

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Job ListingsMarking Time for MoneyHow long have you waited to get paid? Revisiting my invoicing post yesterday for just a moment, one writer responded she’d been waiting a year for a publication to publish her piece. And naturally, they pay on publication. Nothing upsets me more than to hear of writers having to mark time […]

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Bringing Home the Bacon It’s not enough to actually earn a living at freelancing. If you’ve been in this business for a while, you understand that not every client is forthcoming with the amount due. Sometimes, and I hope for your sake it’s not often, one or two will fail to pay after a few […]

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Latte? What’s That? As promised, I’m presenting the other side of the freelance world – the side where work is uppermost and lattes are things we hear about but haven’t experienced for ourselves. Today’s freelancer is Kathy Kehrli, who walks us through her typical day. Kathy’s been hard-core freelancing for a number of years, and […]

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