Month: June 2007

Happy Birthday to… … me. And to anyone else born on this day (writer friend Pat Marcello comes to mind). That’s it. That’s all the fussing I’m doing. As the years pile on, I’ve decided it’s better to avoid and ignore. That I spent the morning in a doctor’s office for yet one more painful […]

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Job Listings – June 26, 2007Having StandardsThe toughest thing you will ever face in your freelance career is that person staring back at you in the mirror. That’s right – you’re your own worst obstacle. Why? Because more often than not, you’re willing to compromise your standards in order to secure the job. I’m here […]

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The Buck Stops Where?Had an interesting situation a while back with a client in which I was told that because I wasn’t around to answer questions, this person missed his deadline. The scenario briefly – an article I wrote and handed a week before this particular request came in. Since we’d pushed back on the […]

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Friday ChuckleMy writing chum Mike Sieber wrote a great rant about logos recently on his Adventures in Copywriting web log. Go on – read it. I’ll wait…. What made me laugh is that this is the same frustrating scenario we’ve all faced at one time or another. We have clients who, for whatever reason, focus […]

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Baby, We’re Stars!Dear chum Anne Wayman and yours truly appear in the latest issue of The Writer! Thanks to Debbie Swanson who penned the article on where to find sources for your writing. Good job, Debbie! You made us look good. 🙂

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DisconnectCertain young, ultra-connected inhabitants of my house seem to think my cell phone should be on at all times or I should at least be near a phone and available. I’ve been asked, “How can anyone find you if your phone is turned off?” To that, I respond, “Perhaps I don’t want to be found.” […]

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The HiccupsEven though I have ongoing work, I’m starting to get nervous. See, I just came off a whirlwind couple of months where I was chained to the keyboard finishing numerous projects. For the past two weeks (it seems like longer!), I’ve been relatively idle, with just two projects taking up my time. It’s given […]

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Job Listings – June 12, 2007Two Really Good Years It’s been a really good two years. The best, in fact. Today is the anniversary of the day I was smart enough to marry the man whose car is parked in the other garage bay. 🙂 It’s been ten years since we first met (last week […]

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Ask and You Shall ReceiveIn a recent conversation with a writer friend, he was a bit taken aback by the contract terms sent to him by his latest client, which we’ll call Big Name Publication. He spelled out a few, which had to do with kill fees and reprint rights. He was concerned and didn’t […]

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