Tag Archives: weird stuff

What Turns Freelance Writers into Cynics?

Since very few people are in today or the rest of the year, let’s have a little fun. I was talking offline with a writer friend, and we were going about the business of reading into people’s motives. Then it dawned on me — I’ve become a cynic. And a skeptic, but that’s probably another […]

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Erasing and Starting Over

I’ll admit it – last week was less than stellar for me. It seemed every time I typed a sentence, I mucked it up. Not major mucking up, but enough that by Friday I was afraid to write on a birthday card. I missed a spell-check-induced error, which switched an acronym to a word, which […]

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Funky Town

I’m in a funk today. When work is completed and the desk is thin with more work, I get like this. But I’m not going to dwell on it because it’s boring. Keeping it short today. I saw my parents over the weekend and my mom was relating a story about someone from her class. […]

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Odd Jobs

Whew! Twelve-hour day yesterday, but I made significant progress on the large project. One more task to complete and I may, God willing, be able to pass it off to them next week. My long-time chum Kirk over at All That Is Necessary has a fun post about the weird stuff employers have asked us […]

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Moments of Accidental Genius

I know the mood I intended when I started writing my latest novel attempt. I was reaching for a feeling of wallowing depression that encompasses the life of someone akin to Gilbert Grape (read the book – it’s phenomenal; or watch the movie – Depp and DiCaprio are marvelous). How it translated in the writing […]

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McDonald’s Economics

Whether the current administration admits to a recession or not, we’re in one. How do I know? It’s simple – go to your local McDonald’s. You’ve been to one. Even I’ve been to one, and I’m a vegetarian (live for the fry-and-shake combination). Take a good listen to the person waiting on you. Notice anything […]

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