Tag Archives: Oddities

Politically Speaking

Maybe it’s a new trend and I’m behind the curve, but I’ve been seeing a great deal of email correspondence, tweets, and bold statements lately from business colleagues expressing their political views in group emails or segmented business groups. Before you think I’m overreacting, know that these are people with whom I’ve worked but have […]

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Yes Virginia, There Really Are Stupid Questions

Some of you asked about the service I’m using to identify “unknown” or otherwise blocked numbers on my cell. It’s called TrapCall, and I found it thanks to someone on Twitter who’d posted a CNN article about the service. For the majority of the wireless providers, it’s free. No more calls. None. Miraculously, it has […]

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McDonald’s Economics

Whether the current administration admits to a recession or not, we’re in one. How do I know? It’s simple – go to your local McDonald’s. You’ve been to one. Even I’ve been to one, and I’m a vegetarian (live for the fry-and-shake combination). Take a good listen to the person waiting on you. Notice anything […]

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Strange Facts about a Strange Writer

For all of you who were kind enough to give me some comment love over on the Biz Chicks Rule site, thank you! If you haven’t yet, I’ll love you for life if you did. Or I’ll promise to stop bothering you at home – whatever works for you. Prompted by one of those odd […]

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