Tag Archives: interviewing

The Writing Client Interview (Theirs, Not Yours)

As I get longer in the tooth with this freelance writing business of mine, I’ve come to realize some truths. As your client is interviewing you, so too are you interviewing your client. That’s a big one, actually. It’s one a lot of new freelancers don’t recognize. It’s a truth that can take a ton […]

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Begging the Question

Continuing on our interviewing path, we come to the part where you’ve done your homework. That’s right – you have to know a little bit about what you’re talking about, too. See, it’s not enough to go into an interview and say “Tell me about quantum physics.” Somewhere you should have at least a cursory […]

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Good chum Devon Ellington has a terrific post over on her blog today about interviews and when to accept that some people just don’t want to be interviewed. That brings up a very good point – if your interview subject says yes to your interview request, do you have the first idea how to go […]

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