Tag Archives: earnings

Freelance Game Plan: March

Rabbit! First of a new month, eh? I decided in January to offer up one post per month in which we can focus on something really actionable. January was all about finding clients. February, how emulating success freelancers can score you some serious street cred. So what can we do this month to boost your […]

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The #1 Way to Earn More at Freelance Writing

I’m in the middle of a long run of constant work. I’ve met my March earnings goal with the projects I have on hand already, and it’s only the 4th of the month. You want that too, right? Look, there are precious few “secrets” to making a living freelance writing. Most of what you’ll do […]

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Stupid Math Tricks Freelancers Perform

Sometimes, freelance writer, it isn’t your idea that’s the problem. Sometimes it’s not an idea at all. No seriously, that’s not an idea you have. It’s a pipe dream. Case in point: in a forum recently, a friend of mine said she’d seen where an aspiring writer announced she’d chosen a niche. Great! Only …. […]

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Your Freelance Earnings Goal (and why $100K may not be it)

What I’m listening to: The Wild Hunt by The Tallest Man on Earth Today was going to be a This Job, Not That Job post, but then a comment came in from a reader. Michelle had read The $100K Myth post from nearly two years ago, and her comment was spot on. She said this: If […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Finance | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> | 6 Comments

How to Kick-start Your Freelance Earnings Potential

What I’m listening to: Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran Third month of the year — how are those New Year’s resolutions going? If you’ve put a plan behind them, you’re probably doing pretty well. Even if the plans aren’t working, you’ve learned something. Well, two things actually. What doesn’t work and how to move forward […]

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9 Incoming-boosting Strategies for Freelance Writers

What I’m listening to: Hands in the Air by Timbaland What a weekend. I’m nearly over whatever virus it was that whipped me all last week. Reluctantly, I agreed to go to the Tartan Day Parade in Manhattan on Saturday. It was a wet, cold day that I’d prepared for, but my hands were frozen […]

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How To Increase Your Monthly Freelance Earnings in 2 Easy Steps

What’s on the iPod: Built to Roam by Shakey Graves This week got away from me a bit. The workload was limited to a few small revisions. The rest of it was split between working on side projects (which are actually primary projects that will pay off later) and sending invoices. In a few conversations […]

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Your Writing Revenue Sweet Spot

What’s on the iPod: This is London by The Airborne Toxic Event The view from the kitchen door It’s been a week of wheel-spinning. I spent Monday thinking I’d get so much done, but spending the majority of the day shoveling (and re-shoveling) the driveway. Ten inches later, I cried uncle and went inside. By […]

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6 Ways to Write Less and Earn More

What’s on the iPod: Holy by Frightened Rabbit Another FREE call: Join me at noon ET this Thursday for a free, 30-minute call. This week’s topic: sticky client situations. Register here for access With another fun weekend behind me, I’m once again glad to be sitting here working. His children were home, so it was […]

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Getting the Financial Ducks in a Row

What’s on the iPod: Unfaithful by Rihanna Wow. I’d forgotten what it was like to have a little free time. Yesterday I revised one document, edited another, and then had time to do whatever I wanted. I looked for more work (glutton for punishment), attended my online course (if you’ve not checked out the free […]

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