Category Archives: Freelance Game Plan

Freelance Game Plan: Finding Client Contact Info

There it was. Or rather, there it wasn’t. Looking for contact info for prospects yesterday, I realized that my usual ways of finding that info weren’t working. There were several reasons for that, but the running theme seems to be poorly written websites that assume you know who’s running the company. That’s right — nowhere […]

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Freelance Game Plan: Your 2024 Freelance Writing Rate

Welcome to the new chapter of your freelance writing career. I don’t care if you’re reading this on January 2nd or October 22nd — every single day of your working life is as good as any to turn the corner on your freelancing. If you want to use the calendar as a jumping-off point, be […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Freelance Game Plan | 6 Comments

An AI Target or Irreplaceable: Which Freelancer Are You?

There’s a whole lot being written and discussed right now regarding ChatGPT and other AI applications. Either AI is going to wipe out millions of jobs or AI is going to be the next version of cryptocurrency — pretty hit-and-miss in terms of its value. No matter which camp you’re in, AI is going to […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Business Boosts, Freelance Game Plan | 2 Comments

Freelance Game Plan: 12 Ways to Improve Your Freelance Business

Look at you — you’ve made it to December. You worked a long, hard year and you’ve come to the end of it hopefully in a better place than where you started. And now it’s winding down. Just for a moment, look over your shoulder. Look back through each month and see not where you […]

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Freelance Game Plan: Planning Your Next Year

It’s November 2021. Do you know where your plan for 2022 is? I’m a big believer in every day being your best chance to plan your future. You could start today and plan for what next week, next month, next year, or the next decade will look like.  And I contend that you should. Right […]

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Freelance Game Plan: Create a New Routine

October already? Lord, that summer went by quickly. Here we are in our 10th installment of Freelance Game Plan. How are you finding your results for 2021 so far? You know those moments where you have no work in front of you and you want to be doing something, but you feel more like you’re twisting in […]

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Freelance Game Plan: Creating Simple Freelance Systems

Welcome to September. It’s been a wild month here, and it’s only the 3rd. Hurricane Ida came through yesterday, and we spent the afternoon removing some of the ten inches of rain that found its way into the basement. With that amount of water in a short amount of time, there was no way we […]

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Freelance Game Plan: Your Raise

August already, huh? Looking back over the last eight months, ask yourself this: Am I where I want to be in my freelance writing career? Think back to January. What were your plans? To get more clients? To work more? To work less? To earn more? What was on your resolutions list? Didn’t quite hit […]

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Freelance Game Plan: Building a Freelance Network

Whoa, we’re over halfway through 2021. That’s crazy. Funny how the time speeds by when you’re trying to reach your freelance earnings goals, right? At this point, you have six Freelance Game Plan posts to consider to help you make more money freelancing. This is number seven. Despite the title of this post, what I’m […]

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Freelance Game Plan: Planning Ahead

Happy June! Who doesn’t love June? Sun, warm temps, outdoor activities …. And a dearth of work as companies and clients go into vacation mode. Not all clients do, but enough people shift their brains to Relax Mode that it’s noticeable depending on the clients you work with. In the past, I saw work drop […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Freelance Game Plan | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> , | 1 Comment