Tag Archives: customer service

Keeping Customer Service Fails Out of Your Freelance Writing Business

Here’s a lesson in how customer support can go so very wrong: Got an email from a company I no longer do business with. Once again (it’s a recurring problem), I looked for the opt-out link. Once again, I didn’t find one. Given that I had some time (not a lot), I decided to read […]

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How Your Customer Service is Killing Your Career

What I’m reading: The Son by Jo Nesbø What I’m listening to: The Woodpile by Frightened Rabbit I had a great start to the week. A writer friend asked me to talk with his freelance writing class about what I do all day. The class was a great group of young adults who asked really […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Freelance writing advice, Uncategorized | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> | 8 Comments

Good Service and Writing Mistakes

What’s on the iPod: Beautiful Day by U2 Writers: Join me this Thursday at Noon ET for a FREE, informal call on whether specialty writing is for you. Free, 30 minute chat: Bring your questions! Register here for access Interesting day yesterday. Tell me something — why do customers have to push and argue just to […]

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S is for Service

What’s on the iPod: Love Interruption by Jack White Yesterday was a full day of work. I had one interview, two blog posts (on technical topics, so research was involved), and some invoices to send/chase. Along with that, I started a third of the four articles I’m writing this month. Plus I sent out a […]

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