Tag Archives: cool sites

Baghdad Burning

I am not a political person in any sense. I don’t discusss politics as I find it a boring waste of time that polarizes us into camps of thinking, stripping away individual thought. I get passionate about issues, but I believe that real change isn’t going to happen at the highest level of government – […]

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Pumping Up the Blog Roll

I’m out the rest of the week here – don’t fret. I’ve posted well in advance to keep from leaving you guys with nothing to do but work in the mornings. While I had some spare time, I went over my blog roll and did some housecleaning. I added some new blogs to the list. […]

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Have You Nominated Your Favorite Yet?

It’s time once again for Michael Stelzner’s Top Blogs For Writers nominations. Go here to nominate your favorite. But be aware – you get one nomination. And your nominee must be nominated twice or seconded in order to be considered. I’ve cast my vote already, but if I could, all of the following would be […]

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Union or Not?

We’ve all lamented the lower wages, the lack of insurance, and the general invisibility of our freelance existences. However, if there were a union of like-minded souls out there hell-bent on advocacy and group insurance coverage, would you join? The Freelancer’s Union is a 75K+ conglomeration of freelancers from across the country and across industries. […]

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Friday’s Favorite Blog Posts

Forgive the late posting here today. I was tied up with a complex project all morning and just managed to sign off on the first pass. Somehow, I now feel like another vacation is in order… I was tooling around the blogs this week and found some real gems. First, on CatalystBlogger: The Benefits of […]

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Best Posts of the Week

Some posts just warrant extra attention, don’t you think? Maybe I’ll make this a weekly habit, maybe I won’t. But I’ve decided when I come across an invaluable article or blog post, I have to share it. This one in particular caught my eye. Urban Muse Susan Johnston wrote an excellent guest post over on […]

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Captain Comma

The Proofreading Superhero It’s not odd that I spent yesterday morning lamenting the death of true proofreading with my writing chum – we do that a lot. What is odd is that today I come across the world’s only known (in my mind) Grammar Superheroes, who are a team of four edgy editors hell-bent on […]

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Grow Up Already!

What do you want to be when you grow up? Here’s a fun post by Kristen King over at Biz Chicks Rule. Leave a comment and possibly win some cash! My question to you is a bit different. When did you realize you wanted to become a writer? What did you want to do before […]

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Raise Your Awareness One Click at a Time

Thanks to Michele on Writing the Cyber Highway, I’m now part of the Entrecard madness. I’m loving it. The blogs you’re introduced to just by cruising around and dropping your card – it’s crazy! Here are a few this week that stand out: Chris Parish has written a book called “The Last Whale.” The blog […]

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