Tag Archives: blogs

Space Not Available

What I’m reading: One Hundred Dollar Misunderstanding by Robert GoverWhat’s on the iPod: Wild Horses by The Rolling Stones Before I forget, I have a post up over on About Freelance Writing. Please give Anne some comment love. Beautiful weekend. It’s Tuesday and I’m just getting to it? Wow. That’s what happens when you get […]

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Blogs that Grow Business

The Great Social Networking Experiment (continued) I know you come here to listen to me moan about various woes, low-paying jobs, and my latest hangnail, don’t you? You don’t? Well, maybe you should tell me why you’re here. What compels you to stop by this site and honor me with your presence every day/week? I […]

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Your Blogging Platform

Didn’t know you had one, did you? You may not, actually. It would depend on your purpose each time you sit down to type something into your little corner of cyberspace. Does your stuff have a theme? Should it? Do you feel yourself twisting in the wind a bit, or are your posts a bit […]

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Networking is a Two-way Street

Over the weekend I did some trimming to my blog roll and to my general philosophy about a few contacts in the writing world. See, I have little problem linking to you if you’re engaging with people who comment, you visit once in a blue moon, or you link back. While linking back to me […]

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Baghdad Burning

I am not a political person in any sense. I don’t discusss politics as I find it a boring waste of time that polarizes us into camps of thinking, stripping away individual thought. I get passionate about issues, but I believe that real change isn’t going to happen at the highest level of government – […]

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More Cool Sites

While I’m off enjoying the sands of New Jersey, I’ve left you with some new haunts to check out. Here are some more I’ve found lately that I’m beginning to love. And you’ll find them as new residents on my blog roll: Gumbo Writer. Thanks to Angie for showing up here quite frequently lately. You’ve […]

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Pumping Up the Blog Roll

I’m out the rest of the week here – don’t fret. I’ve posted well in advance to keep from leaving you guys with nothing to do but work in the mornings. While I had some spare time, I went over my blog roll and did some housecleaning. I added some new blogs to the list. […]

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Blog Love

Amy Derby has a neat post up about blog etiquette. I agree wholeheartedly with her assessment of reading/commenting on others’ blogs out of some skewed sense of reciprocation. Given the number of blogs I follow, that’s way too much time taken away from work I should be doing. Besides, not everyone has thoughts that inspire […]

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