Tag Archives: theft

Your Freelance Writing Ideas, Stolen

I’ve been at this writing-for-a-living thing for a few decades, so when I hear someone complain that their ideas were stolen, I think back to the first Journalism course I took, which taught me this: Ideas cannot be copyrighted. There’s a reason for that. If they could be copyrighted, there would be just one book […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Ethics | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> , , | 4 Comments

What Bikini Shots Have to Do With Writing

What’s on the iPod: Blunderbuss by Jack White It’s been a good two days back. Monday was spent starting a project, sending off quotes to interview subjects for another project, and organizing this week’s workload, which isn’t as small as I thought it would be. It’s good, though. Imagine this — you go on vacation […]

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When Words Repeat

What’s on the iPod: Helpless by Neon Trees I had a slower paced day yesterday and was glad for it. Since returning from Canada, I’ve been on fast forward. It was nice to have things to do, but not so much that I had to chart it all to remember it. I picked up a […]

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