Tag Archives: Career advice

3 Steps to Blissful Freelancing

Freelancer: Just how happy are you? Really? I didn’t set out to ask, nor answer that question this month. Yet after nearly three weeks of being away from the computer and driving across the country, it’s exactly the question I found myself wrestling with. And wrestle I did for about 1,967 miles. Yet somewhere mid-Kansas […]

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1 Career-boosting Freelance Shift

In talking with a writer chum yesterday, I realized the difference between successful freelancers and those struggling to get a writing business going in the right direction. Actually, it’s just one difference. There are plenty more, but this one is a biggie. It’s also a difference that had me struggling at the beginning of my […]

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Not-so-new Freelancer’s Guide: Moving Past Beginner Rates & Clients

Last week we talked about building a mid-level freelance career. Part of that post touched on rates — specifically, the rate you should be charging. This post is all about two things that get your freelance career moving up the freelance food chain: Better rates and better clients. I think you’re going to be surprised […]

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The Not-so-new Freelancer’s Guide to a Better Career, Pt. 1

You’re a Freelancer: Now What? This post is born of the frustration I feel every time I see mountains of advice on how to start your freelance writing career. There’s so much out there for anyone starting out that it astounds me to hear how some struggle to get up and going. There isn’t a […]

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6 Things Freelancers Should Give Up (that will boost the career)

There are so many things freelance writers can do to improve their businesses and their careers: take classes, raise rates, network more…. Yet sometimes the things we freelancers give up do the most to boost our potential. The list is a familiar one. Nothing I list here will be unique or even new. What is […]

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4 Excuses That Get in the Way of a Freelance Writing Career

What I’m listening to: Late March, Death March by Frightened Rabbit I’m sitting here in the usual August lull. There’s something about the last weeks of August that sends clients into silent mode. That hasn’t been the case for quite a few years, but even so it’s not concerning. I have projects coming up this […]

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Your Freelance Writing Wake-up Call

What I’m listening to: Don’t Stay by X Ambassadors Over on Anne Wayman’s About Freelance Writing forum, there was a discussion started by a writer who’d reached her breaking point. Though she may not have realized it, she was having a bit of an epiphany. She had realized how hard she was working and how […]

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4 Things to Change Now to Improve Your Writing Career

What I’m listening to: Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day Wait — isn’t summer supposed to be the slow period? I can’t breathe for the amount of work coming in. Yesterday, I was handed two more projects. That makes five projects on my schedule, and it means once more, I’m about to run when […]

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6 Changes for 2016 That Will Improve Your Writing Career

What’s on the iPod: Hardliners by Holcombe Waller One down, three to go. Every time I get closer to calling it a year and taking time off, projects come in. I finished a draft on one yesterday, and today I’ll spend an hour or two getting myself organized for the next deadline (the 18th). I […]

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5 Ways to Kill Your Writing Career

What’s on the iPod: Peace Sign by We Were Promised Jetpacks Without a house project going on all the time, I’ve come away from my weekends feeling positively bored by Sunday night. I think that’s good — I’m eager to get back to work, and I’ve managed to read a lot more than I have […]

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