Tag Archives: anti-racism

A Writer’s Anti-racism Toolbox

Let me tell you, bad behavior is everywhere. If you’ve just spent time with family over the holidays, you’re shaking your head in agreement. We spent time with what I call “good” company — family who are not combative, who don’t drop statements that are hateful or racist, and those who behave like decent adults. […]

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3 Racist Assumptions to Remove from Your Writing Life

It’s been a little over a month since we’ve addressed racism in our writing. And it’s the conversation we need to keep having, even if we get it wrong or make a few mistakes along the way. The goal is to be better, and to promote better. Three things that have been bugging me, in […]

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We Should All Be Anti-Racism Writers

Are you sick of racism yet? I don’t mean sick of talking about it — I mean sick of it being. Every single white person I know has heard the same things I’ve heard: racist remarks that demean another culture, race, or religion. I’ve heard it since I was first able to comprehend what was […]

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