Category Archives: Idea File

Idea File: Study, Study, Study

So you’re sitting here at the ass-end of August, and you’re wondering where to find work. Magazines, my writerly friend. Turn to magazines. I love magazine work. Since I started my college days in the journalism department, I’ve loved creating articles. Maybe you love article writing, too. But the ideas — they don’t always come […]

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Idea File: Finding Freelance Writing Ideas in the News

Today I’m finishing up an article whose topic came straight from the news. Think headline-grabbing, celebrity-steeped scandalous news that’s been overplayed by every major (and minor) news organization. And yet, my article only mentions that original scandal. That scandal, that news, served as a catalyst for my piece, which touches on the scandal so lightly, […]

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Freelance Idea File: Ideas for Attracting Clients

How many times have you heard (or asked) this question: Where do I find clients? Today, we’re going to answer it. If I had a quarter for every time I’ve fielded that question (and asked it myself — we’re all beginners at some point), I’d not have to write for a living. It’s a legitimate […]

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Idea File: Getting Freelance Ideas from Articles

Have you ever read an article that left you with more questions than it answered? Right there is a fountain of freelance writing pitch ideas. I’ve read articles that never answered the one question I was hoping they would, and the ones that just brought up four or five questions. Did the writer do a […]

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Tuesday Idea File: Creating Freelance Pitches from Headlines

Welcome to our second Tuesday Idea File day. I’m rather glad we’re going down this path. As I mentioned in the comments section in last week’s post, it was something I struggled with at the beginning of my freelance writing career. No matter what career stage you’re at, there’s no need to struggle. [bctt tweet=”With […]

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Tuesday Idea File: Finding Freelance Pitches in Releases

Here’s a novel idea: let’s have a day just for ideas. Sort of makes sense, doesn’t it? And since it’s Tuesday, I think Tuesday is a good day to discuss another freelance writing idea. So welcome to this semi-regular blog feature. Today, I’d like to talk about how to make a press release your friend. […]

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