Tag Archives: favorite blogs

My Very Own, Highly Subjective List of Top Blogs I Like and Maybe Even So Will You

Had a good workday yesterday – for a Monday. I managed a few smallish proofing projects, a revision on another project, and some transcribing and writing on an article. Today, probably more of the same. I’m trying to get a few of these November projects done so I can invoice. In all but one case, […]

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The Best Unnoticed Blogs

What I’m reading: Late Wife by Claudia EmersonWhat’s on the iPod: Keep Yourself Warm by Frightened Rabbit Once upon a time, I was named to a Top Blog list. It was when Maria Schneider was heading the Writer’s Digest blog, and she called this blog “the little black dress” of blogs. I was over the […]

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Brain Freeze

Today’s workload is much lighter. I labored through a complex article, complete with Congressional debates aplenty, expert advice up the wazoo, and more than enough last-minute debate to keep me reading every release up until Congress took its break. Today, it’s on to cloud storage. My life is one evolving issue after another. Because my […]

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Lazy, Hazy Days

What’s on the iPod: Silence, You by A Plastic Rose I slept in! Yes! Well, I’d like to teach myself how to sleep really in, like say nine or so. My “sleeping in” resembles 7:30 instead of 6:30. I can’t help it. I love getting up early in the summer. Too much day to enjoy. […]

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Here’s To You

I strongly encourage you to head over to Maria Schneider’s blog and nominate your favorite for her Top 25 blogging contest. And thank you to Georganna Hancock and Devon Ellington for nominating me. I appreciate the honor! The trouble with blog contests is they have to exclude someone. Seriously, how can you include all your […]

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Who Loves You?

It’s that time once again for Michael Stelzner’s Top 10 Blogs for Writers contest. His is one of the most popular contests on the Internet, and probably a windfall for him, for what better way to get your link circulating than to offer people the chance to win something? Kudos to him for a smart […]

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Sites to Behold

I love finding new haunts, places that are in addition to my very favorite blogs. Here are two more that I cannot live without: Sass Pants. I’ve always known Kristen has a spunky side. Now we get to see just how spunky she is. And we love her all the more for it! Joan’s Sling […]

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Random Friday Riff-Raff

On a short hiatus this week. I actually took off on Wednesday afternoon, but decided not to mention it until today. Surprise! It was a side trip to see his friends and to somehow celebrate my getting one more year older (like I care – just pretend I’m still in my 30s, okay?). On Wednesday […]

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This Week’s Best in the Blogosphere

Fridays I’m usually all full of motivation because hey, it’s taken me all week to rev up the internal engines. But you stick one cloudy, damp morning in there and the covers are coming back over my head and I’m hibernating. Today here in the East promises to be warmer and could it be? Sunny. […]

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