Tag Archives: favorite blog posts

Blog Goodies

Sometimes a great post is just a great post. These are no exception. I bookmark when I can those posts that make me talk or listen up. My intent is to share them. If only I remembered to. Well, now I have. Here are some great posts from the writing community: How Do You Know […]

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Free Wisdom for the Asking

The conference continues and I hope by now I’ve managed to secure at least one client. One client project pays for the entire trip. Two is gravy. I’m shooting for a banquet. Because of my absence, I wanted to leave you with some of the best blog posts from the last few weeks. Give these […]

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Top Nine Posts of 2010

What I’m reading: Gilian the Dreamer by Neil MunroWhat’s on the iPod: Backwards Walk by Frightened Rabbit It’s usually against my nature to be a joiner of trends. However, this one I can’t resist because it reflects what you are interested in seeing here. It’s the most-commented on blog postings here on this little blog. […]

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Lazy, Hazy Days

What’s on the iPod: Silence, You by A Plastic Rose I slept in! Yes! Well, I’d like to teach myself how to sleep really in, like say nine or so. My “sleeping in” resembles 7:30 instead of 6:30. I can’t help it. I love getting up early in the summer. Too much day to enjoy. […]

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October’s Most-Commented

Today I’m neck-deep in a huge project, trying to get an article started/finished, and planning to spend some quality time adding to my Nano count. Since I’m busy treading water, I thought now would be a good time to see what had you talking last month: When You’re Out of the Office – Sure, we […]

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Now You’re Talking!

I can’t believe we’ve worn through 30 more days already! In keeping with my attempts to see what you like to read, I’m once again revisiting those topics that had you commenting most. Here’s what we discussed last month: Lots of Work, Little Cash. Ooo, you liked this one! It seems everyone has had to […]

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The Posts That Got You Talking

I’ve decided to try something a bit different here. Some blog posts obviously get a bit more attention than others, and I thought it would be fun to revisit the ones from the previous month that had you busy commenting. I’ve looked at the posts from August, and here are the two most-commented-on posts: The […]

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