Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.

  • Spotting the Freelance Scammer

    I should subtitle this one, “How to spot an obvious scam despite your desire for legitimate work.” Antonio Michael is back. Don’t remember him? Refresh your memory here. He’s the person who needed a writer because he claimed to have a speech impediment that didn’t allow him to talk with you on the phone about…

  • How to Vet that Freelance Gig

    A friend of mine called me last week. She had an inquiry about a writing gig and, on the surface, that sucker sounded great. The dilemma — the client needed someone ASAP for a large project. My friend was already tied up with a big project and wondered if I had room on my calendar….

  • How To Increase Freelance Article Rates

    I love it when someone shines a light on a truth and your own lightbulb comes on. That’s how it was for me in 2013 when Walt Kania (whose blog is pretty fabulous, by the way) wrote this guest post for Writers Worth that still resonates. What you charge is determined by one person —…

  • The Freelance Writing Compromise You Shouldn’t Make

    I remember when I was first starting my freelance writing business. I don’t always remember fondly, though. It was rough. Finding clients seemed like this secret step that only insiders who’d found clients could manage. Sort of like those job listings for entry-level positions, but you have to have a year or two of experience…

  • A Writer’s Anti-racism Toolbox

    Let me tell you, bad behavior is everywhere. If you’ve just spent time with family over the holidays, you’re shaking your head in agreement. We spent time with what I call “good” company — family who are not combative, who don’t drop statements that are hateful or racist, and those who behave like decent adults….

  • The 2022 Freelance Writing Career Reboot

    I hate resolutions. But many of you know that already. Why they suck — Resolutions are promises, empty ones at best. We promise to lose five pounds. We promise to get a better job. We promise to find more clients. Notice anything about these promises? Not one of them is a plan. Not one thing…

  • 3 Racist Assumptions to Remove from Your Writing Life

    It’s been a little over a month since we’ve addressed racism in our writing. And it’s the conversation we need to keep having, even if we get it wrong or make a few mistakes along the way. The goal is to be better, and to promote better. Three things that have been bugging me, in…

  • My Freelance Pros (and Cons) in 2021

    I’m out of the office all month. Did your throat just tighten up? The idea of taking time off at all usually gives me hives or agita or stresses me to the point it takes days to relax on vacation. But this time, I walked away easily. Very easily. Since April 2020, I’ve been working like…

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