Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.

  • 1 Career-boosting Freelance Shift

    In talking with a writer chum yesterday, I realized the difference between successful freelancers and those struggling to get a writing business going in the right direction. Actually, it’s just one difference. There are plenty more, but this one is a biggie. It’s also a difference that had me struggling at the beginning of my…

  • 3 Shifts to Put the ‘Free’ Back in Freelance

    Sometimes you come to your breaking point. Sometimes when that happens, you break. Or sometimes you find a way through the stress and you vow to make changes so that you don’t reach that breaking point again. Oh, those best laid plans, eh? We freelancers suck at taking care of ourselves. It’s true. We put…

  • 8 Freelance Writing Biz Hacks

    If only I had some quick hacks that could improve my freelance writing business! said every writer everywhere. Today’s your lucky day. As I slow my business pace in anticipation of an eventual retirement, I’ve had some time to reflect on how arrived at this point in my career. And I’ve been happy with what I…

  • 5 Ways to Unstick Your Freelance Writing Career

    I saw this question on Twitter yesterday: What advice would you give a freelance writer who is stuck at their next career step? They’re not new & not an expert. Not making pennies, but not making enough. Haven’t we all been there? We get the credits built up, get client relationships solidified, find our rhythm…

  • 3 Truths About Writing Advice

    Forgive me if I’m repeating myself, but some of you need to hear this. Hell, I’d argue we all need to hear this more often than we do. And thanks to my dear friend Cathy Miller, we got a wakeup call recently when she retweeted this post. Cathy’s social media lessons form around the same…

  • One Freelance Ask You Should Never Make

    It happened to me last week. Twice. To be fair, it happens to plenty of established writers pretty regularly. I’m no exception, believe me. It comes from friends, but mostly it comes from strangers. It’s unpleasant no matter who it comes from. I’m talking about someone asking for my “overflow” work. Let’s just skip the…

  • No-Marketing Guide to Freelancing

    Everyone has a sweet spot. It’s that place where the struggle is over, the work and clients come easily, and that working-hard mode you’ve been in for ages has shifted to the hardly working mode. And you’re actually better off. Man, what a sweet spot that is. But what a ton of work you put…

  • When Freelance Clients Behave Badly

    Sometimes you come up against someone who, for whatever reason, cannot help being an asshole. The person who tells you that your assigned article is not the one you should be writing, but this one is better, and proceeds to talk about their chosen topic. Or the person who blames you for their mistakes. Or the…

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