Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.

Category: This Job Not That Job

  • Friday Freelance Follies: This Job, Not That Job

    Hey, freelance writer — how desperate have you become in trying to get work and paychecks right about now? Hopefully not desperate enough to even consider the job posting just sent to me by Sharon Hurley Hall, who is an ace B2B writer and a writer chum. I read this and realized that these types…

  • Writers Worth: This Job, Not That Job

    These lousy job postings for freelance writing gigs are becoming more than a little ridiculous. The fact that I’m posting the fourth one in a few short weeks shows that they’re also becoming prolific. This one comes to us via fellow writer Libby, who said she emailed the poster to get a response on payment….

  • Writers Worth: This Job, Not That Job

    I take it back. When I said last week that the job posting we looked at was probably the worst ever, I was wrong. Really wrong. As in really, really wrong. Thanks to Sharon Hurley Hall for sending this along. I couldn’t contain my shock, either. And I’m willing to bet you each what this…

  • Writers Worth: This Job, Not That Job

    One can always tell when there’s an economic meltdown occurring. Besides my own McDonald’s Economics theory, there are the obvious signs that the economy is in the gutter. I’m talking about the job postings. Anyone who knows me at all knows I loathe job postings as a means of building a freelance writing business. It’s…

  • Writers Worth: This Job, Not That Job

    There’s something about a pandemic that brings out the best in most people. However, it brings out the worst in some people, too. Just take a look at any job board right now and you’ll see some of the most demeaning, insulting “employment offers” there have ever been. Thanks to Devon Ellington for sending this…

  • This Freelance Job, Not That Freelance Job

    As you look over your career, you’re going to see plenty of ups and downs. If you’re fortunate, you’ll see more positives, and maybe you’ll see you’ve overcome some pretty significant negatives. One negative that never changes is the crappy jobs that continue to be offered. Thanks to writing chum Sharon Hurley Hall for this…

  • Writers Worth: This Job Not That Job

    Sometimes, I want to hold up my hand and say “Just. Don’t.” That was my reaction when I had a bit of free time and decided to waste it on Craig’s List. Emphasis on the “waste” part, for I went looking for gigs that would be perfect for This Job Not That Job, and guess…

  • Writers Worth: This Job Not That Job

    You know, sometimes I get so hopeful when the seasons change. A time of shifting circumstances, a clean slate, a transition into something new. It’s all good. Unfortunately, the only shift in lousy job postings is when someone adds an F to “shit.” What just grinds me big time about these offers, and maybe particularly…

  • Free Advice Friday: This Job, Not That Job

    What astounds me these days isn’t that the job offers are so pathetic; it’s that they are rampant across all genres. If you’ve not noticed, far too many of my posts lately have been This Job, Not That Job posts. Why? Because there are far too many lousy job postings lately. This one comes from…

  • Wednesday Wisdom: This Job, Not That Job

    Just when you think it couldn’t get weirder, it does. I’m talking about job postings. Let’s not call them “freelance opportunities” because honey, they’re not. They’re employer/employee listings. Someone is looking for a writer, but is dictating the salary. That’s not a freelance writer at all. But I digress. This listing, which is probably the…