Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.

Category: This Job Not That Job

  • This Job, Not That Job: Learning Via Collage

    Sometimes I see one job posting that’s so bad, it sets my hair on fire. Sometimes I see several. There are so few hours in a day (or a life), so instead of examining them one by one, I thought I’d pull out elements from some of the worst. We can learn from these. Mostly,…

  • Writers Worth: This Job, Not That Job

    Some days you’re the windshield, some days you’re the fly. If you’re still cruising job boards as your primary source of work, you’re the fly meeting the windshield. With rare exception, job postings work out in favor of the poster, not the writer. And if I’ve not preached enough on the subject, job postings give…

  • This Job, Not That Job: Part-time job, Full-time headache

    Yes, it’s clearly spring, for the lousy job listings are piling up like a line of cars following behind a cow. A really slow cow. Really slow. And the posts are getting weirder. What I’m seeing lately are postings that mask the true intentions of not the poster, but the job itself. Here’s an example that…

  • This Job, Not That Job

    A late start today. Maybe it’s something about the change in season, the warming up of the atmosphere, the budding flowers …. maybe that’s what brings the lousy job offers out in droves. Whatever the reason, the bad jobs are floating to the surface with alarming regularity right now. The This Job, Not That Job…

  • This Job, Not That Job

    Ah, Spring, when a young writer’s fancy turns to thoughts of …. Work. Finding work. Hey, when aren’t we finding work? Alas, for every new bud pushing through the ground right now, there are an equal (if on excessive) number of lousy job offers making their way to your handy job board. Which begs the…

  • A Double Dose of This Job, Not That Job

    It’s not rare when a writer friend sends me a lousy offer to post here on the blog. We writers stick up for each other, and part of that includes alerting newer, less experienced writers on bad offers framed as good ones. What is rare is when two writer friends send me two separate lousy…

  • Writers Worth: This Job, Not That Job

    Happy Veterans Day to all who have served. We appreciate you. It must be the time of year for weirdness. Paula Hendrickson sent me a job listing that was pretty awful. It was going to be today’s post. However, as bad as the one she sent was, this one was so, so much worse. Time…

  • This Job, Not That Job

    Wow. Funny how one week you’re enjoying a quiet week and the next you’re swimming in deadlines. In the past day, I’ve gotten two large projects to go with the two smaller ones I had already. Feast and famine is a cycle we freelance writers know all too well. Luckily for me, the famine cycle…

  • Free Advice Friday: This Job, Not That Job

    Whew! We made it! Another Writers Worth Month in the books. Thank you to everyone who contributed to probably the best Writers Worth Month we’ve ever had. That includes everyone who commented, shared, lurked. You made this happen, and you made this special. This was the 10th anniversary. It was also the last one. I’m…

  • This Job, Not That Job

    What I’m listening to: Die Like A Rich Boy by Frightened Rabbit It’s been a few months since we’ve done the This Job, Not That Job tribute to the worst jobs of the moment. It’s not for lack of material. Today’s candidate for the Worst Job on the Internet comes via Jenn Mattern. Jenn spied…