Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.

  • 11 Years Later…

    What I’m listening to: The Wild Rover by The Pogues Happy blog-iversary to Words on the Page! And happy blog-iversary to all of you who have been with me along the way. Whether you’ve been commenting from Day One (Devon Ellington has!), sporadically, or lurking, I appreciate you. You guys are equal partners with me…

  • The Importance of a Serious Freelance Rate

    What I’m listening to: Get On Your Boots by U2 Here it comes. A snow day for my region. The state of emergency for my town was put out early yesterday when the sun was blazing and the skies were a gorgeous blue. Not today. The latest forecast: 18 to 24 inches. That minimum number kept…

  • The Freelance Client Mix

    What I’m listening to: Out Loud (Live) by Dispatch I forget where in conversation I was the other day, but the topic of clients came up. Hey, I’m a freelance writer — the topic will always come up. That’s a promise to you writers out there and a warning to those who aren’t. But I…

  • How to Kick-start Your Freelance Earnings Potential

    What I’m listening to: Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran Third month of the year — how are those New Year’s resolutions going? If you’ve put a plan behind them, you’re probably doing pretty well. Even if the plans aren’t working, you’ve learned something. Well, two things actually. What doesn’t work and how to move forward…

  • 19 Mistakes That Hurt Your Freelance Writing Business (and how to fix them)

    What I’m reading: Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann What I’m listening to: Dani California by The Red Hot Chili Peppers List time! What are some of the worst mistakes you can make as a freelance writer? I could ask 100 writers and probably come up with at least that many different responses….

  • Your Freelance Writing Rate: One Fact You Need to Know

    What I’m listening to: Incomplete by James Bay It happened again. Another forum discussion on rates, another person asking about rates. This time, the writer was reviewing the various pricing guides and thinking it was either time to raise rates or use those extremely general price ranges to show clients the bargain they’re getting. I get…

  • 6 Social Media Truths for Freelancers

    What I’m listening to: Carolina Drama by Jack White I read this the other day: If you want to be successful at social media, you have to pay for leads. Huh? That’s right. This self-professed expert was saying “Sorry folks, you can’t be famous like me unless you’re paying for the privilege.” And conveniently enough, he…

  • Networking the Right Way (and the Wrong Way)

    What I’m listening to: Melissa by The Allman Brothers Band We’re almost finished with February, and if you’ve not noticed, we’ve talked a lot about networking. Not a ton, but it’s been the primary focus. Today is no different. Raise your hand if this has happened to you: You’re at a party. You introduce yourself to someone…

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