Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.

  • Free Advice Friday: The Real Secret to Getting Freelance Work

    What I’m listening to: Thunder Road by Bruce Springsteen Yesterday was proof of why I love my job. My kid needed someone to sit at her house and wait for an appliance delivery. My hand went up — hell, I volunteered. So I packed up my Surface and cell phone and moved my work to…

  • Wednesday Take: Who Determines Your Freelance Rate?

    An interesting week so far. One project ended, another began, and a newer client keeps me busy with plenty of neat projects. Checks too are coming in, just in time for the holidays. On a forum recently, there was a discussion about rates, which also touched on worth. If you’ve read this blog at all,…

  • 5 Ways to Sell Your Writing Value

    What I’m listening to: Light as the Breeze by Leonard Cohen Looking back, I’m glad that week is over. I loathe politics, and even more so now. I saw people I thought were decent humans become these taunting, gloating, name-calling animals. I saw posts on Facebook that said “Let’s move on and come together” and…

  • Wednesday Take: Professionalism in All Things

    What I’m listening to: Pride (In the Name of Love) by U2 It’s over. Amen. I voted. You voted. Rather than go into who won/lost, I’d much rather talk about the day. Here, it was 33 degrees  at 7:00 am (that’s Fahrenheit for my Celsius friends) with clear skies. I stood for an hour and…

  • Monday Muse: The Importance of Being Lazy

    What I’m listening to: Cold Shot by Stevie Ray Vaughan Yowza, what a week! I started last week thinking it was going to be a more relaxed pace. Not a chance — new projects came in, deadlines piled up (all on the same day, of course), and I emerged from the study later than usual….

  • Tuesday Take: Declining Freelance Work

    What I’m listening to: I Remember Her by Ingrid Michaelson Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit! If you don’t know that tradition, read about it here Still recovering from the weekend. Friday, I was happy to spoil my husband for his birthday, so the day was spent baking his favorite cake (carrot) and taking him to dinner at…

  • 5 Freelance Revelations That Can Boost Your Business

    What I’m reading: The Optimist’s Daughter by Eudora Welty What I’m listening to: Iris (Hold Me Close) by U2 Thursday already? It’s been a slightly frustrating week. I’ve been trying to complete a project, but the things I need to get the thing done haven’t appeared. It’s like working with both hands tied behind my…

  • Misguided Beliefs of the Unsuccessful Freelance Writer

    What I’m listening to: Oro Se do Bheatha Bhaile by Sinead O’Connor New week, new marathon. I had two projects for this week as Friday ended. Now I have four. And they all (but one) take precedent. So I’m back to allocating my time among them so that all will get the same level of…

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