Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.

  • The Kick-Ass Freelance Writing Business List

    What I’m listening to: California by The Airborne Toxic Event Tired of reading one more post about launching a freelance writing business? You should be. There are scores of them, and it’s as though every one of them is the result of one more person copying off another person’s paper. There’s nothing new being said….

  • 6 Social Media Fails Freelancers Make

    What I’m listening to: Blunderbuss by Jack White It’s been a slow week from a work perspective, but filled with small tasks that made it feel busy. I managed to kick off my new marketing plan, and I’m preparing for a conference in April. That’s usually my big networking event of the year. My social media…

  • What Your Dormant Twitter Account Says About Your Business

    What I’m listening to: Daydreaming by Middle Brother Another slow week, but not unexpected. I have two client projects due to hit my desk, and it will be about the time I get busy on something else that they both come in. I have some smaller projects, and I’m ramping up the contacts for my…

  • Freelance Success in 2017: Influence

    What I’m listening to: Die Like a Rich Boy by Frightened Rabbit Man, I’m glad last week is over. I had exactly two days of work and three days of travel. An unexpected trip that started out with panic (a family member was missing) and turned into a mini-vacation (not really missing, just doesn’t communicate…

  • How to Failure-proof Your Writing Business

    What I’m listening to: Shape of You by Ed Sheeran Here we are in the second full week of 2017. How are those resolutions going? That badly? Maybe it’s because resolutions don’t come with anything measurable. It’s easy to say “I’m going to lose weight this year!” It’s tougher to actually plan it. It’s not…

  • How a Shift in Attitude Changed My Freelance Writing Business

    What I’m listening to: Heathen by twenty one pilots We’re four days into 2017 and already the possibilities are encouraging. Some easy marketing has netted some scheduled follow-up calls, and the calendar is filling quickly. There’s potential on the horizon. There’s also a shift in my own attitude, one that was small, but one that…

  • Boosting Income by Boosting Skills

    What I’m reading: Wheeling Motel by Franz Wright What I’m listening to: Sometime Around Midnight by The Airborne Toxic Event Happy 2017! Now let’s get busy. The new year is just into its second day, but it’s business as usual here. Because it’s a new year, it’s a perfect time for this guest post by…

  • 31 Days of Freelancing: Permission to Continue

    What I’m listening to: Wild Thing by Tone Loc (Oh yes. I am.) This is it — our last day of 2106. I hope this year was good to you. Every year has its ups and downs, but we manage to come out of it relatively unscathed. I hope in terms of your freelance writing…

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