Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.

  • How Freelance Fails Can Save You

    Weird title to this post, right? But I read something the other day that created one of those lightbulb moments. I’ve been around this freelancing block a few decades, so if it can impact me (the eternal skeptic), I’m thinking it might do others some good, too. It was a motivational snippet that had popped…

  • 3 Easy Freelance Value-Adds (that boost your earnings & reputation)

    When I wrote the title to this post, my finger accidentally hit the Caps button. Freelance Value-ADD is not a disorder, but man, what an appropriate Freudian slip. Why? Because we freelancers tend to have attention deficit when it comes to marketing ourselves. We jump from the tried-and-true last thing that got us hired to…

  • The Freelance Grab – A Cautionary Tale

    Totally different topic today, but one that some of the more established freelancers have had to deal with. Someone (a female) in my orbit is right now dealing with a grabber. The grabber in question has adjacent property to hers, and in every interaction over the last year has started with an ask. Each subsequent…

  • The Ultimate Freelance Marketing Survival Guide

    In my travels over these last few decades of freelancing, I’ve realized there really are two types of freelancers — Freelancers who put excuses in the way Freelancers who have more ideas than time What kind of freelancer are you? Ironically, both of these freelancers can have careers that go off the rails pretty quickly…

  • 6 Things Freelancers Should Give Up (that will boost the career)

    There are so many things freelance writers can do to improve their businesses and their careers: take classes, raise rates, network more…. Yet sometimes the things we freelancers give up do the most to boost our potential. The list is a familiar one. Nothing I list here will be unique or even new. What is…

  • Freelance Writing and Why Rate Isn’t Everything

    Here’s a freelance fact that may be somewhat unpopular (though no less true): [bctt tweet=”Your #freelance career outcomes are more than your hourly rate.” username=”LoriWidmer”] That’s right. I’m saying that while what you charge matters, it matters equal to what you’re getting out of that client relationship. Confused yet? Let me explain myself. Suppose your…

  • 4 Ways to Build Success into Your Freelance Writing Business

    Freelance writing blogs are chock full of “here’s how you’re screwing up” posts. I know because I’ve posted plenty of those myself. Just look at this, this, and this from the last month. Okay, they all had a positive, actionable message in the end, but the point is there are plenty of things around on…

  • Broken Website = New Theme

    What happens when you mix a writer who doesn’t have the WordPress experience with updates that she doesn’t make? Broken website. Thanks to Paula for pointing it out yesterday. A few things happened: Seems my theme was retired by the company I’d bought it from. And it would have been okay to know that and…

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