Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.

  • The Great Freelance Rate Debate

    There was another discussion on yesterday’s Twitter #FreelanceChat about rates. Ironic since the chat was about negotiation, but rates are indeed part of that. And not saying the rate discussion isn’t warranted — far too many writers don’t know what to charge for their services. What I am saying is the discussion isn’t needed. I…

  • Taming the Freelance Project from Hell

    Question: How many of you have taken on a freelance project that turned out to be one speed bump after another? Yea, me too. Let’s face it — even the best writer is going to come across that one project that threatens to break them. I had one such project recently that, while small and…

  • Freelance Game Plan: January

    Welcome to 2021. It already looks better, doesn’t it? That is, unless you’re trying to kickstart your freelancing business. However, I have good news for you: [bctt tweet=”You can find #freelancewriting clients any time of year.” username=”LoriWidmer”] Fact: clients need freelance writing help any time of year. Another fact: finding them isn’t always easy. But…

  • Does Your Freelancing Say ‘Amateur’?

    Maybe it was bad SEO keyword use. Or maybe it’s just lousy writing. Honestly, on my first read, it didn’t really matter, because I tuned out. A writer friend sent over what is probably one of the worst examples of whatever kind of writing this bot was trying to emulate. Yes, I said bot. I…

  • Why Burning Freelance Writing Bridges Sucks

    A short while back, I got an email from someone I’d done some projects for once upon a time. The note set me back on my heels. Let me back up — the fact that I got a note from this particular contact at all was a pretty major shock. This is a former client,…

  • Why You Aren’t Getting Those Freelance Writing Gigs

    (sigh) Here we go again. Another trip around the internet groups and forums is all it takes to wind me up. So forgive the minor rant, but this needs to be said: [bctt tweet=”There is one solid reason why you, #freelancer, are not getting those gigs you see online.” username=”LoriWidmer”] Know why? Because the job…

  • 4 Reasons Why a Diversified Client Mix is Essential

    I’m about to say something that may shock you. I think specializing in one kind of writing is a bit of a trap. That’s coming from me, a specialist. If you were taking part in yesterday’s #FreelanceChat on Twitter, you might have seen the topic of a diverse portfolio of clients come up. Someone asked…

  • Interview: Sharon Hurley Hall Talks to Writers About Racism

    I’ve seen it and heard it myself. George Floyd must have been on drugs. So what are they to do? Breonna Taylor was “running” with a boyfriend who had a gun. So what are they to do? He took a knee. “That’s disrespectful and he needed to find another way to protest.” They took to…

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