Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.

  • Freelancer’s Guide to Better Rates

    Imagine doing one thing right now that gives you a higher earnings total. You’d do it, right? Sure. But I bet many of you haven’t. That one thing? Raising your rates. Yes, you’ve heard this from me before. It’s important. That’s why I repeat myself. Imagine this — you have a new client in front…

  • Avoiding the “Work for Free” Freelance Trap

    If I had a dollar for every time someone contacted me asking me to do work for free, I’d be a hell of a lot richer than I’d be working for free. In the past month alone, I’ve been asked four times to “partner” with or “look at” someone’s work. I had a stranger write…

  • 2025 Guide to Freelance Success

    This post was going to be about something else. It was going to be advice on how to level the client/writer relationship so that you’re protecting your freelance writing business and positioning yourself as a formidable professional. Funny how things morph, isn’t it? As I started writing, I realized that all of the things I…

  • Writers Worth: This Job, Not That Job

    I’ve finally found it. I have found the worst freelance writing gig ever. It’s been a minute since we’ve looked at some of the schlock out there that people are trying to pass off as freelance writing gigs. It’s not because things are getting better — far from it — but because there is simply…

  • Are You Guilty of This Freelance No-no?

    I was talking with a fellow freelance writer a few days ago and the subject of Freelancers Getting It Wrong came up, like it tends to do. You can’t really blame anyone for discussing how writers can get it so wrong, so often. It’s prolific. This particular case was another of those “How dare they”…

  • Finding New Freelance Income

    I sit here nearly three years out from the most prolific, stressful writing years of my entire freelance writing career. From 2020 through much of 2022, I was so busy I had no time to enjoy anything. These days, I have pared down the client list to three trusted, long-term clients who are wonderful to…

  • 7 Sh*tty Things You Don’t Have to Take as a Freelancer

    A show of hands (or comments, in this case) — how many of you thought freelancing would be easier than it turned out to be? For the record, my hand is up. Funny thing, though. It’s not necessarily the work that is hard. It’s the people. Oh boy, is it the people some days. While…

  • How to Build a Niche Writer

    I’ve been having an online back-and-forth discussion with another writer regarding the impression — the false impression, in my opinion — that a writer can write about anything. The message I keep hearing is akin to this: Addiction counseling? You bet. Non-durable manufacturing? Bring it on. Finance? Move over. While I admire the confidence (you…