Freelance Writing WTF: This Job, Not That Job

Sometimes in freelance writing, you just have to go with your first reaction, hence the WTF in today’s post title. Because it’s a true WTF moment.

This is the message I received on LinkedIn offering me a freelance writing gig. And it’s bad enough that it’s perfect for my ongoing This Job, Not That Job series.

Join our team as your new side hustle

Hi Lori,

We are looking for a Content Editor to join our team and teach AI chatbots — no AI background is required! Your profile stood out, so I wanted to reach out to encourage you to apply.


  • Part-time or full-time, REMOTE position
  • Choose your projects and schedule
  • Paid hourly, starting at $20+ USD per hour, with bonuses for high-quality and high-volume work

You must be fluent in English, have a Bachelor’s degree (completed or in progress), and have excellent writing and grammar skills.

We look forward to reviewing your application!

Apply now (LINK REMOVED)

Tell the truth — how many of you paused, did a WTF, shouted, or said “No f***ing way!” upon reading just those first fifteen words? Yes? Welcome to my WTF moment.

Let’s rip this apart. Figuratively, but well, literally, too.

“Join our team as your new side hustle!”

This is not a “side” anything, nor is it a “hustle.” It’s a small business. It’s a freelance writing business. It’s also one whose owner understands how grossly overused “side hustle” is and how stupid it was from the outset.

…. teach AI chatbots

This says everything you need to know. You, newly hired, underpaid content editor (we’ll get to that part in a minute) are charged with teaching technology how to, well, act like an automated human. You’re going to be holding the virtual hand of a f***ing machine while it takes its baby steps and eventually grows up to tell you that to keep cheese from sliding off a pizza, you just mix a little glue in.

That, my freelance writing friends, is why AI sucks and should be relegated to just helping people locate statistics faster. Or playlists. Something non-creative.

…. Part-time or full-time REMOTE position
…. Choose your project and schedule

Honey, we’re freelance writers. Of course it’s a remote position. But see, we’re also freelance, which means you don’t get to dictate whether we work part time or full time, what we accept and when we want to work. We do. We work when we want, where we want, and how we want on what we want. Stop with the promises that imply a freedom we have plenty of.

And let’s remember that you’re calling this a “side hustle.” Sounds more like an employer/employee setup. And that, again, would be a big Hell No.

Paid hourly, starting at $20+ USD per hour, with bonuses for high-quality and high-volume work

Oh please, do you believe you’re the first person to dangle the “bonuses” carrot to sweeten a sour pot? Twenty bucks an hour doesn’t pay my taxes on getting out of bed for you. Again, it’s teaching a damn bot how to be human. No amount of money, least of all this paltry offer, is going to make this worth it. My guess is that few, if any of your content editors will ever see a bonus. That it’s not defined tells me that it’s not real.

We look forward to your application!

Then you will be disappointed!

Freelance writing friends, let’s do one better, shall we? Instead of settling for teaching a bot how to take our jobs (if we’re still courting the low-paying clients, this is a real threat), let’s build a better business approach. Browse through these posts for advice on how to seek out better clients.

In the interim, add a new publication to your rotation. Try one like this:

The Fuller Project

The Fuller Project is a global nonprofit newsroom that reports on issues affecting women in the US and abroad. We are interested in excellent and enterprising stories on issues that affect women in the United States and globally.

Payment: reportedly $1/word. Website lists “competitive rates.”

Visit their website for contact information.

That’s how you find work that isn’t teaching a bot how to behave.

Writers, are you concerned about how AI will impact your business?
What crazy offers have you received lately?

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4 Thoughts to “Freelance Writing WTF: This Job, Not That Job”

  1. It’s hard to decide what’s most offensive about this listing. Low rate? The employer-like attitude? Or that they want you to basically train AI so they don’t need to pay writers any longer?

    1. lwidmer

      For all those reasons you’ve listed, I think this is probably the worst job listing ever, right Paula?

  2. It’s among the worst, mostly due to its vast scope of smarminess. But there have been so many awful ones it’s hard to recall which ones were worse.

    Maybe you should pick five or 10 of your favorites and have us vote on it, LOL.

    1. lwidmer

      What a great idea!

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