Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.

Top Marketing Posts of 2017

What I’m listening to: One Thing Leads to Another by The Fixx

‘Tis the season for work to dwindle and this writer to finally give herself permission to walk away. I’m doing that with this post.

I’m taking a break from posting new things until possibly the new year. My dad is in rapid decline. I can’t think beyond what’s happening with him, nor do I want to. Sometimes we put the wrong things aside — family time for work, vacation for work, living for work. Not this time. I want the time to talk to him on the phone. Though he’s weakened by morphine, he still wants to interact. I want to head home for a week and just be there. So I will.

I’m not abandoning you, though. Since I’m having difficulty finding the energy and the words right now, I thought it might be nice to review where we’ve been together this year.

In this compilation, I’m focusing on marketing advice. Please feel free to comment on each thread or here, if you like. The conversation is often where the best experiences grow from, don’t you think? I’ve listed these in order of the number of visitors/comments.

Freelance Show and Tell: One move that can amp up your marketing results.

4 Game-Changing Freelance Writing Moves: Four ways to make big impact on your marketing efforts.

Free Advice Friday: Marketing Done Right: Best marketing moves by a top-notch salesperson, and why you should do what she did.

Easy Freelance Money-Making Shifts: Four more ways to find the clients you want to work with, not the ones you settle for.


Writers, what have you seen (from anywhere, not just here) that has made a difference to your business this year?

15 responses to “Top Marketing Posts of 2017”

  1. Cathy Miller Avatar
    Cathy Miller

    Wishing you peace this holiday season and the comfort of family love, Lori.

    1. lwidmer Avatar

      Thanks, Cathy. I wish you the same!

  2. Mary Schneider Avatar
    Mary Schneider

    Honey take all the time you need. For what it’s worth, my prayers go with you. I lost my dad similarly when I was turning 18. I pray that you will have good times with your dad while you’re home. ((hugs))
    Take care of you.

    1. lwidmer Avatar

      Thank you, Mary. He’s pretty spent on morphine right now, so his lucid moments aren’t many. He’s still cracking jokes when he can, but he’s so weak.

  3. Jake Poinier Avatar
    Jake Poinier

    Yes, just be there. Thinking of you, LW!

    1. lwidmer Avatar

      Thank, Jake. I appreciate it.

  4. Krista Avatar

    Very sorry to read about your dad. I hope it will be of some comfort to you to be able to be there for him.

    1. lwidmer Avatar

      Thank you, Krista. It will be. 🙂

  5. Devon Ellington Avatar
    Devon Ellington

    A move away from “you have to do this” and “everyone does this” to “I tried this and it worked for me.” I think it’s up to us to create new ways to market. People want something unique. And different techniques work for different people.

    1. lwidmer Avatar

      I love this. You know me — I hate the pronouncement that something MUST be this way or that.

  6. Devon Ellington Avatar
    Devon Ellington

    We’ve “talked” separately, so you know you and your dad are constantly in my thoughts!

    1. lwidmer Avatar

      I do. Thank you, hon. I feel the love. 🙂

  7. Paula Hendrickson Avatar
    Paula Hendrickson

    You won’t regret taking as much time as you need to spend with your dad (and your mom)—holiday season or not. What your family is going through is difficult under the best of circumstances, but distance and the holidays sure don’t make it any better. Sadly, I know from experience.

    You know how to reach me if you need to talk.

    I wish you a happy, safe, healthy, and stress-free new year. You earned it.

    1. lwidmer Avatar

      Thanks, Paula. I appreciate it. I may reach out. The holiday, I hope, will be stress-free. I’ll be heading home as soon as possible, and I hope to spend more than just a day or two there.

  8. Nikki Avatar

    I don’t have much to add except you and your family are in my prayers. Get in touch if you just need to vent. I’m only an email away.