Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.

Conference Hiatus

This is my week.

Every year I attend one trade show. That’s where I network, connect with familiar faces, talk shop, and find new clients. My work usually starts five or six months out. I contact companies that are attending or exhibiting and I introduce myself. In the past I’ve sent out hundreds of LOIs before the show.

This year, just a handful. Why? Because I’m trying something different — I’m showing up and seeing what happens.

Since it’s not my first rodeo, I have name recognition among many of the larger companies. In fact, prior to the show, one former client, a global corporation, reached out with a “stop by” message — they have work for me. And one LinkedIn comment about the resulted in a prospect reaching out and mentioning he’s needing a writer.

So this show, I’m there for a few reasons: always to see what new clients come my way, but also to visit with clients I’m working with or have worked with. And I’m going to be reconnecting with people who have expressed interest in hiring me. Plus there are the familiar faces and the shared connections I always look forward to.

For the next three days, I’ll be schmoozing, laughing, attending parties, and learning new things about the industry niche I serve. I’ll stop in here when I can.

But don’t forget — next week, we start Writers Worth Month! Bookmark this site and look for the #WritersWorth hash tag on Twitter so you don’t miss all the blog goodness!

3 responses to “Conference Hiatus”

  1. Paula Hendrickson Avatar
    Paula Hendrickson

    I hope you have a fun and productive conference, Lori.

  2. Anne Wayman Avatar
    Anne Wayman

    Good luck with the conference… looking forward to your support

  3. sfcapn Avatar

    Books in Browsers, a small but highly-regarded tech-focused publishing conference, will skip 2015 while organizers consider its future.