Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.


Thank you, Kathy, for asking how to contact existing clients and get their attention without getting deleted. You gave me something to blog about – I’m sporting an energy shortage and I don’t want to spend time thinking up another topic. 😉

When I’m working with a client on a current project, I always end the project with a “Is there something else I can help you with?” note. Today, I ended it with two inquiries – do you need help at the upcoming trade show, and are you in the market for any more articles? It may come to nothing, but this client sees me in one particular role at the moment – writing one feature in one specific area. I want to see if I can impress them into thinking of me for full-length features and cover articles. You don’t get there unless you put yourself out there as a possibility, right?

With clients I’ve not seen in a while, I try to connect directly to them. No blanket emails copied to a dozen of them – that’s lazy and gets us nowhere. (Put in the subject line – Project Update or Question on Project just to pique their interest a bit.) I write to them asking how they are, what’s new at their business, and if there are any projects I can help on. And I offer to help them come up with other ideas – the weblog, the white papers, sales letters, etc. Whatever their industry, they have customers who need now more than ever to view them as the ultimate source for their products/services. Offer to help them get more client-focused messages out there.

Why not offer a customer-loyalty discount? Save 10 percent by contracting your project by the end of the month/middle of next month, etc.

Some less personal approaches I’d take and not skimp on – send postcards/brochures that outline your “sale” and remind your clients of your services. And follow up a week later with that call asking if they need any help.

A neat idea is a calendar that’s got a marketing tip/writing suggestion per day/week/month that also has coupons attached for discounts on your services. What a great way to remind your clients you exist! You could also extend this to an opt-in weekly email that gives your clients valuable tips to improve their business (and repeats your contact info and any offers you’re extending).

How about you? How do you approach clients you haven’t worked with in a while?

6 responses to “Reconnecting”

  1. Angie Ledbetter Avatar

    Could also offer a bird dog fee for referrals. Thank You For Your Biz cards are always nice.

  2. Devon Ellington Avatar

    I’m big on holiday cards. I try to keep in touch with people about every three months, but I have a business holiday card list, and it’s amazing how much response I get from that.

    And I’m big on “pleasure working with you” notes after a project is done — when it’s true. 😉

  3. Irreverent Freelancer Avatar

    Thanks for answering my question, and glad it gave you a non-thinking topic! My followup contact is working well. I’ve had a lot of clients state that they might need me soon and will keep me in mind, and another who said she’d just been about to start searching for writers for some new projects. I’m hoping to have a conference call with her on Friday. The good thing about this strategy is that it is forcing me to go through all my old email contact and delete tons of message. So I’m getting a bonus out of the deal.

  4. Katharine Swan Avatar

    I’m lazy. When I contact a past client to ask about more work, I usually just reply to the last email they sent me. I’ve never had it not work, though, so I suppose it can’t be too bad of an approach. ;o)

  5. Lori Avatar

    That’s actually a great approach, Katharine. It reminds them of who you are (if it was a one-time job) and what project you worked on for them.

    I like the “thank you” notes too, Devon. It’s a professional courtesy that is being extended less these days. 🙂

  6. Katharine Swan Avatar


    I guess I should have presented it as this brilliant idea, then, rather than just a product of my laziness. :o)