Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.

31 Days of Freelancing: Reliving the Past

What I’m listening to: The Loneliness and The Scream by Frightened Rabbit

Last Monday before the holidays erupt. I’m not ready. I always think I am, but then I realize there are several more things to do around the house, there’s always one more client project to clear up (that goes out today, I hope), or there’s a batch of cards that never were sent.

Today is about cleaning up.

And for us on our 31-day journey, it’s about looking back.

December 19: Revisit Three Past Clients


What? Revisit past clients just as the holidays are about to hit?

Absolutely. In fact, now is a pretty terrific time to reach out and wish them well. The goal is to get back on the radar.

Here are some places to go to refresh your memory (it’s been a long, weird year):

  • Your in box: My guess is you remember the clients from three months ago. But six? Seven? Look around for those people whose projects you finished in March or April.
  • Your documents folder: I search by Date Modified, which brings this year’s projects to the top of the list. It’s shocking to see a project and say “Wow, that’s right.”
  • Your spreadsheet: If you track your prospecting or client projects, you might not have as much work to do to find them.
  • Your social media accounts: They’re still there, right where you first connected with them. Who’s out there that you haven’t talked with in a while?

Now say hello. And wish them happy holidays.

If you find more than three, hey. Bonus. Reach out to as many as you have time to reconnect with.

Writers, how often have you revisited past clients?

Has that experience resulted in a continuation of your working relationship?

4 responses to “31 Days of Freelancing: Reliving the Past”

  1. Joy Drohan Avatar
    Joy Drohan

    This is a great idea for keeping your name in front of past clients, Lori. Thanks, as always!
    I do put in my calendar to follow up with people, but some clients always slip through the cracks. This is a good reminder, and lots of people may not be very work-focused this week, so they might be more likely to write back.

    1. lwidmer Avatar

      Joy, you always take advice and turn it into success! You have a real gift for that, you know.

  2. Paula Hendrickson Avatar
    Paula Hendrickson

    I did that just last night when writing my business holiday cards. There’s one person I’m unsure of, since I’ve contacted her a couple times this year with no reply. Actually, there are two of those come to think of it.

    1. lwidmer Avatar

      Could be she moved on, Paula. I had one I just got back in touch with (taking my own advice), and found he was somewhere else. So I sent two notes — one to my original contact, and one to his former employer.