Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.

31 Days of Freelancing: A New Income Source

What I’m listening to: I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For by U2

Just a few more days before we say goodbye to 2016 and hello to a new year. For many freelancers, a new year is a time to make new plans, new resolutions.

If you know me at all, you know I hate resolutions. Resolutions are promises we make to ourselves and anyone who will listen about how we’re going to change something, do something, or improve our lives.

Two days into the new year, we’ve forgotten all about it.

I like plans. Resolutions with action steps are now plans that can actually work. I like action plans.

So let’s make one.

December 27: Add One New Source of Clients/Income

I added income to this because it stands to reason if you find the clients, the income will follow.

So let’s look for a new source from which to find our clients.

I’m not typically a person who believes in a passive marketing approach — searching job boards, applying to Craig’s List ads, etc. When you compete with thousands, you lose twice. You lose both the job and you lose the time wasted on sending in a resume.

But today is about passive marketing — you read that right. I’m about to advocate passive marketing. Smart passive marketing. There is a difference.

If you’ve followed along a while, you know about my marketing series. If not, definitely check it out. It’s a great way to get yourself in the habit of actively marketing.

But passive marketing can augment your active marketing. In fact, if you have a smart approach, you can get some pretty decent gigs from passive marketing.

Here are a few places to try:

  • LinkedIn Profinder: Since I signed up for LI Profinder, I’ve had two projects handed to me. You sign up once. The emails come in from potential clients, and they’re based on your LI profile (so make sure you have a comprehensive profile first).
  • eByline: Not the easiest site to be accepted onto, and that’s part of the charm. The site owners vet writers and take their sweet time deciding who’s going to be accepted. That means clients get the benefit of good writers. Jobs are not top dollar, but once in a while, a good project shows up and makes it worth the months it takes to get accepted.
  • Editorial Freelancers Association: The EFA is a paid membership, but the moment you sign up (and pay your dues), you start receiving emailed job listings. Some fit, most don’t. But this is an organization that’s actively seeking out good projects for its members.
  • Affiliate links: Helping your colleagues out can pay off. Connect with writers or other business  owners who have affiliate programs, and sign up.

Writers, do you have passive marketing methods that work for you?

How much of your marketing is active versus passive?