Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.

31 Days of Freelancing: Set That Goal

What I’m listening to: All You Ever Do Is Bring Me Down by The Mavericks

Saturday. Why do I always say it like I’m exhaling?

It’s one busy time of year. Probably the worst time to stick one more business item on your list.

And yet it’s the best time to do it.

Things are quiet. You have time right now to concentrate on something besides the next project or the next client. Make that something your business.

[bctt tweet=”Working on your freelance writing business now means a stronger business later.” username=”LoriWidmer”]

Look, you’re not working terribly hard right now, I’m betting. And if you run a business, you’re probably better at budgeting your time than you realize.

And I get it — it’s Saturday.

But this strategy doesn’t require a lot of computer work. In fact, you don’t have to do any if you’d rather not. You can ponder this one while you’re doing other things.

December 17: Set a New Goal

I hope you appreciate that I’m giving you easy stuff to do on weekends.

See what I mean though? No computer needed unless you’re one of those types who is addicted to spreadsheets and complex calculations.

Yea, neither am I.

So as you’re going about your day today, think of one area in your freelance writing business you’d like to improve or build on. Here are some ideas to get you started. Use one, all, or none of them (make up your own in that case):

  • Decide what you want to earn each week/month/year
  • Set a number of how many new clients you want to sign with each week/month/year
  • Decide how many new client prospects you’ll reach out to each day/week/month/year
  • Nail down one new area you’d like to expand into

That’s it. Just set your goal. You don’t have to map it out yet, but just come up with one or more things you’d like to change up or improve.

Tomorrow, we’ll get you thinking about how to achieve those goals.

Writers, what areas come to mind when you think of setting goals?

What’s on your wish list of business-growing targets?


2 responses to “31 Days of Freelancing: Set That Goal”

  1. Paula Hendrickson Avatar
    Paula Hendrickson

    The funny thing is I’ve had a new 2017 goal in mind for my knitting projects so long that yesterday when I asked my sister if I told her about it she said, “Yes. You have,” but her eyes added, “About a billion times.”

    I have a not-so-fully-fleshed out goal for the writing side, too. I was hoping to use the time between Christmas and New Years to focus on it, but I have one article due Tuesday and three more due by January 4.

    After getting a big project finished off last week, I wouldn’t say I’m busy-busy, just way busier for this time of year than usual. Two of the current pieces I would have turned down if they were for any other client, but this is a good one that pays fast, and the two articles will more than cover all of my holiday expenses—which will put me on a good start for 2017.

    1. lwidmer Avatar

      Paula, you can certainly set your goal on January 5th, right? 🙂 I’ve no doubt you’ll rock this coming year.