Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.

The Mad Writer Dash

What’s on the iPod: Nothing. No time to listen!

Today is starting out like a marathon. I had smatterings of new projects hinted at the last two weeks. Now they’ve arrived — at once. It’s going to be a busy Monday.

Unfortunately, I also have house guests today. I can’t spend time with them, nor can I go to the art museum with them. I will make time to meet them for dinner, but it’s going to be a stretch getting it all done in time.

This is why I freelance — to be able to break away when I have company. Alas, the timing, per usual, didn’t allow for it. And if you freelance for a living, you can pretty much guarantee you’ll have to miss a few things just as you would if you worked in an office.

It was a nice weekend with the visiting family members. We all attended a memorial service, then spent yesterday together catching up. They were treated to Irish sessions (naturally) at the pub, and then a movie at the local theater. I could have broken away and worked on some of my project prep then, but as I get older, I’d much rather spend my time on quality –family is quality.

I was treated to a pay check — a client cleared up a few invoices at once, making for a sweet little deposit in the account. Plus there is a little more on the way from another favorite client, and there is plenty of work in front of me to make January a fantastic start to the new year. Today I’ll be working with four clients and starting two projects. I do have a scheduled day off on Thursday, so I’m hoping to get well ahead of the work before then. Time to buckle down and minimize the distractions.

As a result, today’s is a short post. It was a nice, family-filled weekend, but it’s time to fulfill these promised deadlines.

How was your weekend? 
How do you sort and prioritize as the work streams in at once?

2 responses to “The Mad Writer Dash”

  1. Damaria Senne Avatar

    Good to hear you had a nice weekend Lori. Mine was also OK. The perfect mix of quiet and restfulness with some family socialising thrown in. I even managed to get in an afernoon nap.

    On sorting and prioritising when work comes in at once – I usually assign proportionate time based on the size of the project and the deadline.

    However, sometimes I'm not good with managing the time when I have too many prokects at once. I either work at all hours to try to get the bigger project/the earlier deadlined job done ASAP, or I bounce between the projects, usually spending too much time on one at the expense of the other. It is a weakness I need to work on.

  2. Lori Widmer Avatar

    It's a weakness of mine too, Damaria. That's why I went a little crazy and started timing everything. Keeps me honest. 🙂