Worthy Tip: This Job, Not That Job

What’s on the iPod: Love the Way You Lie by Eminem (with Rihanna)

Odd day yesterday. I managed a small, complex project and got some brainstorming for a larger project started. At lunchtime I dashed out hoping to find a coat. I have a friend in my meditation group who’s having a rough time and she doesn’t have a winter coat. In this weather, that’s unacceptable. Unfortunately, the one she hoped for was gone, so I’m going to dash out today and try finding a suitable alternative.

I hosted my writer’s group, too. I was wanting to get some writing done before, but I had to fall back on some work in progress again. I had time. I simply frittered it away.

To continue the This Job, Not That Job, I found this job listing on Craig’s List:

Music Blogger: Is music your life? Can you not go anywhere without your Ipod? Do you know everything there is to know about what new albums are out and which concert is a must see? What new bands are up and coming and which ones we should be looking out for? Then you are the one we are looking for!

We have an entertainment blog set up and we need someone who is knowledgeable in all facets of the music world to write for our blog. The is an UNPAID position but if you like to write and have a love for music then this could be a great starting point for future writing positions. So if this interests you and you would like to know more, contact the email address above. We would love to hear from you!

Oh, if I had a nickel for every time someone offered me a great starting point to my career, I’d have more money that this job is offering. Can I just tell you one more time – you are a professional. Professionals don’t work for free (unless our mothers are asking and even then, we hesitate). We work for respectable fees. We also work for people who know how to capitalize “iPod” correctly and how to use proper hyphenation.

Instead of giving your talent away to strangers, try working for clients who offer something better:

enRoute, Air Canada’s inflight magazine, is a Canadian travel lifestyle magazine with an international reach. Each month, we explore what’s going on in the world through the people, places and ideas that move us. We aim to highlight that space where Canada and the world intersect through smart writing and superior photography and illustration. With this mandate in mind, enRoute showcases the best of our country – and the world – for its highly educated readership …. We are a source of relevant, entertaining and thought-provoking information for an on-the-go, global reader. We are interested in everything from wine to design and popular science to pop music …. Our base rate is Cdn$1/word; payment is upon acceptance, within 30 days of invoice.

Wow. And to think you were about to give all those words away. Who knew they were worth that much? Well, everyone knew. This is a job, not a hobby. If you want to write about music for free, set up your own music blog. At least then you’re writing for someone you like (yourself) and you’re establishing an expertise and a ready source of clips for any potential client.

What job do you have currently that you think you can improve on? What jobs did you have that you improved on? How did you do that?

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6 Thoughts to “Worthy Tip: This Job, Not That Job”

  1. Gabriella F.

    Hi Lori.

    Great comparison, as usual. I think these are really effective ways to make your point.

    On a related note, did you all see this? http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/11/business/media/11search.html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=tha25

    It talks about how Google may or may not be pushing down content farm results in searches and how a new search engine, Blekko, is doing it. Yay!

    If content farm writers can't be convinced they can make more money, perhaps those facts will give them pause about the value of what they're churning out.

    Are they making a difference with their work? If they do content farm work, I emphatically say no.

  2. Wendy

    Let's see. Would I take Job #1 or Job #2? That's a tough decision.

    Frankly, I hate any ad that sounds like an infomercial. I haven't responded to Craigslist ads in a long time, but I do love to read through some of them for a good laugh.

  3. Gabriella, maybe this entire atmosphere of spoon-fed content to viewers will push the sale of actual print newspapers and publications. I for one am tired of people deciding what I want to read based on SEO content.

    Wendy, you've said it – ads that sound like infomercials. I get through one line and my eyes are rolling!

  4. Lori, what's SEO content?

  5. Chuck, SEO = Search Engine Optimization. Basically, they're keywords that bring your content to the top of a search, such as putting ten instances of "horseshoe crab" into an article about that (or not about that, but related).

  6. Lori, thanks. Now that you explained it I know what you're talking about. I've never really explored using this stratedgy to build a following cause I'm too damn lazy. Sure glad you're on top of it. Have a great week.


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