Your Freelance Writing Q&A

What’s on the iPod: Handle Me With Care by The Traveling Wilburys

What a week. I can’t seem to get a single thing done, though I’m organized to my teeth. I have four projects sitting in front of me and I can’t manage to get the info I need to get any of them completed. So I’ve spent the last two days roughing in the content on all of them. Once I get the promised info, I’ll be able to run with it. And run is the operative word — my deadlines aren’t changing despite the delays on the other side.

I had time to talk with a writer friend yesterday. He’s teaching a course in January on running a freelance business, and he’s asked me to participate in one of the classes. But as we were talking, we started going down the list of questions his attendees will probably ask.

It’s the same list every freelance writer who ever started out asked. Let’s answer them right here, too. Complete with links, here are the most common questions:

How do I start in freelance writing? If I had a nickel for every time I personally fielded this question, I’d be on a beach right now instead of mucking it out in front of a computer. It’s a beginner question, and frankly a lazy one. If you’re thinking of starting a freelance writing career in 2016, start by doing you own research before asking question. If you’re really unsure of how to research, well, you’re not long for this profession, but that’s not mine to decide. Here are places to look for answers:

So you want to be a freelance writer
How to make your first $100 as a freelance writer
How to start freelance writing in 10 steps
8 strategies to build your freelance writing career

Where do I find clients? Not where you think you’ll find them. You could do what every beginning writer does and surf the open, non-vetted job boards and Craig’s List listings. But you’ll find that there is a ton of competition for the few listings you’ve found. Instead, actively pursue clients you’ve decided are worth the effort.

Freelance writing jobs: how to find your first
All Indie Writers freelance jobs (a vetted list of jobs)
16 places to find freelance clients today
Finding February freelance work
Quick-start guide to finding clients

What should I charge? Forget the rate charts you find online or in print. Those are averages that include lord-knows-what jobs, geographic areas, or survey info. Instead, do the math yourself.

Freelance hourly rate calculator
A dirty little secret about pricing
How much should I charge? A guide to setting freelance writing rates and contract
How to set your freelance writing rates

Writers, what resources helped you when you were looking for answers?

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2 Thoughts to “Your Freelance Writing Q&A”

  1. Nice roundup! I try to be nice to people who reach out for help, but really, I did the research and learned on my own without anyone holding my hand. Why can't they?

    Generally I tell them I don't really have time to give detailed advice, but list a few sites I find helpful, like yours & Jenn's 🙂

  2. KeriLynn, that's been my approach too, but I agree with you. It's frustrating to hear the same questions and know that if they'd just read a few pages into nearly any freelance writing blog, they'd have the answers.

    I appreciate that you send people here! Thank you. 🙂

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