Monthly Assessment: July 2011

Thought I forgot about the monthly assessment, didn’t you? Well, I did. And because it wasn’t the best month for me, I was tempted to ignore it completely. However, if I’m not accountable to you, then I can’t better myself. Same goes for you.

Today I’m off for a week of camping and relaxing (I’ll be gone by the time you read this). Amen. I ran a figurative marathon in order to make this happen, what with all the work coming in at once. But we don’t grumble about work – we rejoice in it.

That statement alone should tell you how my July went. It made me a little nauseous to go back and add it all up, but in the interest of transparency and professional growth, I took that particular bullet for you. Here’s the damage:

Eight magazine queries and eight letters of introduction/follow-ups this month. In fact, this made up the bulk of my “paper” marketing this month. Of these attempts, I scored one assignment and nothing more.

Job postings:
I went there. For the first time in ages, I responded to a few ads – two. One was a scam that was apparent almost instantly. The other was legit, but no answer. Again, I contend these are not the best places to find work.

Existing clients:
Here’s where I cleaned up. Not one, but three existing clients got in touch. All three had projects due the end of this month. One wanted immediate work, but I held off, partly because I know my limits, but also because payment was very slow in coming last time. I had an assignment I scored last month that I invoiced for this month, so that’s a good thing.

Also, my regular client has had some projects for me, though not nearly as many as I’m used to or she’s hoping for. Another semi-regular client handed me two projects, so that was a nice bonus.

Then there’s the ongoing project, the one that has to be done – you guessed it – by the end of this month. The final days of my summer are already planned for right here.

New clients:
None yet. I have one I’m in talks with, but our timing has been off this past week, so it may have to wait until this month.

Don’t get me started. Though I worked a lot during the last three weeks of the month, it’s still half of my target amount. Not great at all, in my opinion. However, the groundwork is laid and I’m looking at a much stronger August earnings amount – over my target. Amen. Just in time for taxes.

Bottom line:
Switching up the marketing mix to mostly magazines during the summer months seems to be working much better than trying to get companies to get a project going when they’re all in vacation mode. Not a surprise, but I’m glad to report it’s the second time this has happened for me. Definitely something to work into the marketing plan going forward.

I’m continuing the daily marketing because it’s working. I’m finding more ideas from potential clients for articles – meaning their business models, the things that make me want to work with them, are pretty cool ideas for articles. I’ve capitalized on this twice now this month.

I’m also working on some projects – one with Anne – which will help with some residual income. They’re neat projects that help me earn while helping others do the same. Pretty cool projects.

That’s my report. How was your earnings and work in July?

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5 Thoughts to “Monthly Assessment: July 2011”

  1. My earnings were low by about 40%, but that's because I spent most of the month working on a long-term project yet. I've invoiced, and payment at the end of October should push my earnings up quite a bit. The big thing I have to do is make sure that this project does not take over too big a chunk of my time, because I do need to make sure I have other sources of income so when it ends, my business can continue to grow.

  2. July was one of my busiest yet. And, as often is the way, it also brought more techie problems.

    My monitor blew out, which Dell thought was my hard drive/motherboard. Only because I decided to test it on my laptop did I find out it was the monitor.

    I don't know about anyone else, but I am having all kinds of trouble lately with Google Chrome, especially not playing nice with WordPress. When I switch to another browser, I'm okay.

    Anyway, enough whining. July was good.

    Existing clients One of my anchors (forever love that word) has really come through-besides my regular monthly blogging for them, starting in July they signed off on 5 new projects.

    Another long-time client who had dwindled down to a regular ghostwriting article gig is discussing a white paper and proposal activity. Not finalized, but looks promising.

    Had another former client get in touch for a rush job-couldn't meet their deadline due to my work volume so lost out on that.

    New clients Delivered a marketing brochure for a new client. Waiting on review and editing.

    Another "new" client was my contact at the existing client with all the projects. She's VP at a new company and wants a white paper before the end of the year-woo-hoo-love breeding new clients from old. 🙂

    Earnings July made up for June (which was down). It exceeded my monthly target by 33%.

    I have some big projects for the rest of the year, but taking time off for the two 3-Day Walks in September and November.

    Life is good. 🙂

  3. Paula

    My July was pretty good.

    Queries/LOIs: I sent 8 queries to 4 magazines, most of which aren't assigning for those issues yet (yes, I target queries to specific issues whenever possible). Sent one LOI but need to follow up when that editor returns from vacation.

    Postings: 0

    Existing clients: Only turned in one column (they owe me for three published columns so if they want more they have to pay up). Contacted the person in charge of the blog – they haven't posted anything since May and have a backlog of roughly 40 posts (only 5 are mine), so I'm holding off on new blog posts for now. Turned in five articles and picked up two new assignments.

    New Clients: 0

    Earnings: Slightly over my modest monthly goal.

  4. Queries/LOIs: Sent a blind query yesterday, for the first time in forever. I've not had much success with blind queries in the past, but I'm giving it a shot based on a fun idea I conjured up while on vacation. If magazine #1 doesn't bite, there are still a few more in the genre. And I just received an assignment this morning based on an LOI sent a few weeks back.

    Vacation: 100% successful. Didn't do a lick of work.

    Halley's Clients: Two blast-from-the-past clients contacted me right before vacation for quickie projects. I couldn't say no.

    Earnings: I took a full 2 weeks off plus long weekend over July 4, but even so, my instinct is "probably above avg. for July." I was frightfully busy while in the office.

  5. Gabriella F.

    Thanks again, Lori. I didn't think you forgot. A little bit of selective amnesia, it seems. Funny!

    My July was adequate, but not great.

    Existing clients–Came through for me again. That's what's keeping earnings from being too weak this year.

    New clients–You know that potential client that was interested and then went radio silent, finally telling me she didn't have money? Well, she's found money! So we're working to get software installed on my laptop so I can begin. That'll be a good, solid monthly paycheck if they like my work (and I'll make sure they do!). Yippee!

    On top of that, a source I've interviewed several times contacted me on Facebook and said he's now gone in-house at a trade association, and they're reworking their mag. He's sending me a RFP for my involvement. How lovely is that?! Lesson: Always be polite and professional to sources because they could be future clients!

    Earnings–Well, I'm inching up. Better than the past few months, but still not where I was each month last year. But I'm heading in the right direction.

    Enjoy your vacation, Lori. What with all the marketing you're doing, you've earned it!

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