Monthly Assessment – November

I’m back! Miss me? We spent just enough time and donated more than enough money to the Las Vegas tourism cause. It was a wonderful trip, but I’m glad to be home.

Time once more for a monthly assessment. November flew by. I was so busy with one particular client that all marketing went to the dogs – I broke my own rule and now I shall pay for it. Checks in January will be sparse as a result. Ho freakin’ ho. Also, NaNo is partially to blame, though I won’t regret any time spent on writing this novel. I’m nearly finished with the first draft, which was the entire goal. So on that front, things were terrific.

Let’s get to how it all went (or didn’t go, as the case may be):

One. Yep. One. This was to an untried magazine. The good news? I scored the job.

Job postings:
None. Nada. Zip. Again, there has to be something worth applying for before I’ll waste the time. There wasn’t. And I didn’t look too hard as I was overwhelmed with an existing client job.

Existing clients:
I had one come back. This was one that I couldn’t work with due to price. They met my price after realizing what I have to offer isn’t available at their rates. Amen. I love when they realize it on their own and don’t need convincing. I’m doing a project for them now, but my guard is up. It’s rare I take back clients who argue price when the original price is more than fair. But we all deserve a second chance. Not a third one, though, if you get my meaning.

I have a client project waiting for paperwork to be signed, so hopefully that one will proceed for December, though given the payment issues I’ve had with this one in the past, I may not see the cash until February or March. That too shall change or there will be little salvation for our relationship.

There’s an ongoing client gig that simply took up more time than it was worth this month. What normally takes me a few short hours took nearly eight. Unacceptable. It takes just a few of those kinds of days to realize the value received does not equal the time expended. Come January, I’m intent on dropping this one and finding more lucrative, less mind-numbing work.

It was an interrupted month thanks to my vacation and the holiday. And it’s the slow season. I earned exactly half of my targeted goal and no, I’m not happy with myself over it. Time to do better.

So how was your November?

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14 Thoughts to “Monthly Assessment – November”

  1. Krista

    My November was pretty crappy. My current clients keep promising projects that never come through. I haven't had to market much for a while, but now I think it's time to get off my butt and get some new work. I was lucky in that several of my clients kept me really busy and I didn't have to look for work for well over a year, but now it seems like a lot of talk about upcoming work is just that. It took longer for the recession to affect my business, but now I can definitely see the effects.

  2. November was good on a lot of levels that won't shine through financially for awhile. I"m going flat out now, and haven't had time to assess, but will soon.

    The next two weeks are very, very busy. Very little of it has to do with freelancing, though.

  3. I really enjoy seeing what other freelancers go through in terms of client load!

  4. Paula

    My November income was very good, but October's income was horrible, so it pretty much balances out.

    I turned in four columns, sent two queries (two-three ideas each) to regular editors; followed up on an LOI (thanks to a blog post here urging us to follow up; still no reply to the original message or the follow up); replied to one job posting. I took in two new assignments from a long-time editor (one was her idea, one was mine); and an editor I've only done one project for asked me to do another article, which is due tomorrow.

    Before Thanksgiving, in just one day, I had orders for five Santa letters. This week, I anticipate a few more.

    Argh. Why does the word verification have to use funky typefaces and crunch letters together so much that you can't always tell what some of the letters are?

  5. Gabriella F.

    Hi Lori.

    Same old story with me. November was less than my average month in 2008, but since it pays the bills and provides something to add to savings, I'm fine with it.

    I did look more at job boards, but nothing was worth my time. I was better at sending story ideas, and those produced some assignments. I've now made a commitment to send pitches on the first of every month so that I don't have any excuse for not doing it.

    I also got an e-mail out of the blue from a PR person who wanted me to send a bid to cover a legal conference and produce two stories from it. Alas, they went with an internal candidate. But I like the fact that she found me, vetted me, and then chose me as one of three asked to bid.

    Also, I'm pretty surprised that I did all that AND met all my deadlines in November. I had to take my sweet dog in for emergency surgery, and it turns out he's got cancer. The prognosis is bad, 2-4 months. I'm still dumbfounded that I was able to work at all with such sad news.

    December's looking minimal, but it'll cover the bills–and I haven't had a vacation in ages. So unless some wonderful project falls into my lap that I can't turn down, I'm pretty much taking off from Dec. 22 on. Hooray!

    That should recharge me and make me do much more marketing in 2010!

  6. November turned out to be less than average for me, but I anticipated as much since I'm in the process of revamping my business. I expect December will be the same, but that's okay with me since I will be putting a lot more energy and time into marketing which I'm hoping will yield some nice results for 2010.

  7. Welcome back, Lori! I just finished monthly invoicing and I had an awesome month. It almost killed me, and it caused me to "lose" both NaNo and the PAD challenge. However, it was worth it since I'm taking a vacation next week and December overall will probably be very weak for me in the earnings department.

    Most of my earnings were from repeat clients, and a couple projects came from clients I haven't heard from in a while. That tendency makes me hopeful for 2010. I also scored one very well-paying gig from a blind job ad that may lead to more work down the road. If only all months could be like November. SIGH!

  8. Gabriella, my heart goes out to you on the news about your dog. I've been there, so big {hugs} to you.

  9. Gabriella, ditto what Kathy said. I'm sorry about your dog. I lost mine years ago and he's still in my heart. 🙁

    Krista, my recessionary slump, if I had one, came in May/June when the magazine budgets went south. But I shifted to other things. Mind you, it took time for the other stuff to come around and pay off, but it's proof we're an adaptable group.

    Devon, likewise. I have that ongoing ball-and-chain stuff, but by January that should disappear. When it becomes the primary focus, it's time to refocus my approach.

    How was your November, Allena? 🙂

    Paula, I'm so glad you're following up! Yes, I'm doing that this week, too. I'm totally overloaded again, but dammit, I can't sit on it.

    Kimberly, I'd love to hear what you're doing to revamp things. Anything we can learn from it?

    Kathy, that you joined two contests in the same month shows your confidence. Oy! I made it, but I don't remember being awake for the ending. 😉

  10. Gabriella, love and best wishes to you and your dog.

  11. Gabriella F.

    Everybody, though I don't really "know" you, your kind wishes about my dog warm my heart. Thanks much!

  12. We know you, Gabriella. You're our online family. :))

  13. Lori, it's like one big renovation project (but hopefully MUCH less painful). I'm streamlining some of my operations, revamping(i.e. increasing)rates, pulling together a new more targeted portfolio and list of prospects, talking with a graphic professional about a redesign…

    I figure since things usually slow down around this time of year, now is the best time to get all this stuff done. It's amazing what I've learned this year from more experienced writers like you, Devon and many others. Wish me luck!

  14. Great ideas, Kimberly! And you're right – now's the time. Good luck! I know you – you'll do great. 🙂

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