Links and Things

What’s on the iPod: Poke by Frightened Rabbit

I love bloggers who make me laugh. As I was avoiding packing for my trip last week, I went around the Internet and found some hilarious posts on everything from Craig’s List to …

Craig’s List: The Grand Experiment byClint Osterholz – Clint, you crack me up regularly. This was no exception.

Clients From Hell – Every post is worth reading.

Open letter to Proctor & Gamble by a customer on the edge – I don’t know if it’s an actual letter or a joke, but it kept me rolling.

Engrish Funny – You can’t make this stuff up.

GraphJam – The funniest graphs you’ll see.

What sites make you laugh?

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3 Thoughts to “Links and Things”

  1. Maybe no one is commenting because Blogger is eating the comments…

    I wrote-I guess no one finds anybody funny, huh? 😀

  2. Hilarious. All of them. Made my day.

  3. Glad you guys like those. 🙂 Cathy, right now Blogger is telling me I have no comments – I have at five on one post. Weird!

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