Words on the Page

a freelance writing resource.

31 Days of #Freelancing: Snippets of Wisdom

What I’m listening to: Happy by Pharrell Williams

Down to the wire with this year, aren’t we?

For our last Friday of the year, I wanted to leave you with some snippets to move forward with.

You’ve spent this month with me (and I appreciate the company) looking at singular ways to improve results for 2017. Use one or more, adapt to fit who you are, and let me know how it goes.

But we’re not finished yet. We have one more working day this year, so let’s leave 2016 with these short bits that might help you get into the right mindset:

December 30: Business-Building Bits of Wisdom

Some of these are snippets I’ve come across in my journey. Some I’ve discovered as personal truths. All are things I think we should be internalizing.

My favorite bits of wisdom are:

  • Clients hire people, not companies. Think about it. You want to buy a stove. You’re not sure which one, so you shop around. Price matters, but it’s not what sells you. What sells you is the salesperson and how much help they are to you. What do they know that others haven’t told you? How much do you feel you can trust this person? That’s what it’s like to hire a freelance writer. Give your clients a person, not a list of features you provide.
  • Focus on outcome, not price. If your first question is “What’s your budget?” you’ve shown your clients where your focus is. Instead, you should be focusing on what they want, not what you want to be paid. Be seen as that person who offers solutions and teams with clients for the best outcome.
  • Be honest in all things. Don’t ever lie to clients, and certainly don’t lie to your network. If you’re switching opinions as often as you switch socks, that reads false. It’s okay to genuinely change your mind. To change your mind publicly in order to gain traffic? That’s just tacky.
  • Be your client’s champion. If you consider yourself a part of the client’s team, you’re going to feel invested in the outcome, and you’re going to champion that project like it was your own. Protect your client from lousy decisions (they do make them), from bad ideas, and from mistakes in focus, approach, or writing. Be the trusted source who steers them in the right direction.
  • Always aim higher. You are as successful as you allow yourself to be. If you stay with those clients who pay you less than you want to make because it’s comfortable, comfort eventually wears thin. Always think about protecting your business as well as serving your clients. Your needs count, too.

Writers, what sage words can you leave for other writers to follow?